Data Systems Modernization

The 2021 Legislature appropriated $13,475,248.00 in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) II and III funds to modernize data systems at the OPI. In partnership with schools and other stakeholders, the OPI will simplify and improve data systems to make all things data easier for schools.


Weekly Meeting/Report Information

Data Modernization Project Timeline

August 22, 2024

August 15, 2024

August 8, 2024

July 25, 2024

July 18, 2024

July 11, 2024

June 27, 2024

June 20, 2024

June 6, 2024

May 30, 2024

May 23, 2024

May 16, 2024

May 9, 2024

May 2, 2024

April 25, 2024

April 18, 2024

April 11, 2024

March 28, 2024

March 21, 2024

March 7, 2024

February 29, 2024

February 23, 2024

February 15, 2024

February 8, 2024

February 1, 2024

January 25, 2024

January 18, 2024

January 11, 2024

January 05, 2024

December 15, 2023

December 08, 2023

November 30, 2023

November 16, 2023

November 09, 2023

November 03, 2023

October 24, 2023

October 20, 2023

October 13, 2023

October 6, 2023

September 28, 2023

September 22, 2023

September 18, 2023

September 15, 2023

September 8, 2023

August 14 - 31, 2023

Application Migration Workshops

August 25, 2023

August 18, 2023

August 9 & 10, 2023

Application Migration Assessment Work Sessions

July 20, 2023

Project Kick Off

July 11, 2023

Project Introduction

Project Plan and Timeline

The Project Plan and Milestone Documents show the goals of the project and activities status. The Gantt Chart shows when the activities are scheduled, the estimated length of time for the activity, and if they are completed.


Montana Data Modernization Project Plan

Modernization Program Milestones

Organizational Change Management Benefits and Approach

Legislative Reports

HB 367 Section 3. Reporting requirements.

The office of public instruction shall continue to provide written reports to the following committees listed below every two months and include the following information. The incurred and anticipated costs of the project; the implementation timeline; and any other information relevant to the project. 

Committee List:

The legislative finance committee; the education interim committee; the general government budget committee; and the education budget committee.


Modernization Legislative Report: August 26, 2024

Modernization Legislative Report: June 13, 2024

Modernization Legislative Report: April 29, 2024

Modernization Legislative Report: February 26, 2024

Modernization Legislative Report: December 7, 2023

Modernization Legislative Report: October 30, 2023

Modernization Legislative Report: August 28, 2023

Modernization Legislative Report: June 7, 2023


Weekly Office Hours

There are weekly office hours for Superintendents and District Staff on Wednesdays from 10-11 am. Please join using this link.


May 29, 2024: Data Modernization and Data Collections

  • Presented by Ashley Perez

May 22, 2024: Data Modernization Project Timeline

  • Presented by Ashley Perez

May 15, 2024: What is Analytics and Insights?

  • Presented by Ashley Perez

May 8, 2024: What is Data Modernization?

  • Presented by Ashley Perez

Education & Workforce Data Governing Board

The Education & Workforce Data Governing Board is based upon HB949. OPI has provided some information below for review.


Education & Workforce Data Governing Board Meetings

March 7, 2024

Agenda | Recording

September 22, 2023

Agenda | Recording

Data Governance & Policy Work Group

This group will identify participant needs and concerns of the reciprocal sharing of student and workforce data. This includes the identification of potential methods of data sharing while ensuring compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and all other state and federal privacy laws. This group will develop policies for the linking and sharing of data among the contributing agencies: Office of Public Instruction, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, and Department of Labor and Industry. The group meeting dates are:

  • May 6, 2024
    • Reviewed Master MOU
    • Discussed process for data requests from outside agencies
  • April 12, 2024
    • Brief participant introductions
    • Overview of work group objectives
    • FERPA Discussion
    • Identification of need for Master Memorandum of Understanding

Data Research Work Group

This group will identify participant needs and interests as associated with the development of an education and workforce research agenda. This includes the identification of a central group research agenda and agency-specific agendas. This group will also develop a data plan to facilitate using education and workforce data to inform decision-making by state and local governments, educational agencies, institutions of higher education, and other education stakeholders in order to maximize the operating efficiency of the state's education and workforce systems. The group meeting dates are:

  • May 13, 2024
    • Reviewed two draft versions of research agendas
    • Discussed the research and data request processes that HB 949 authorizes
    • OPI submitted a research question on educator retention
  • April 15, 2024
    • Brief participant introductions
    • Overview of work group objectives
    • Discussed data and research: a set of focal research questions and topics need to be identified by participating agencies

Project Design & Implementation Work Group

This group will identify the current state Snowflake, data-sharing connections, and HB 949-relevant databases for each participating agency: Office of Public Instruction, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, and Department of Labor and Industry. The group meeting dates are:

  • May 7, 2024
    • Reviewed and edited current state diagram
    • Discussed future state operating and shared agency data systems
  • April 19, 2024
    • Brief participant introductions
    • Overview of work group objectives
    • Whiteboard diagram of the current state operating and shared agency data systems

Steering Committee

Steering Committee Charter

July 17, 2024

Agenda | Minutes 

June 19, 2024

Agenda | Minutes 

May 15, 2024

Agenda | Minutes 

April 17, 2024

Agenda | Minutes

March 20, 2024

Agenda | Minutes 

February 21, 2024

Agenda | Minutes

Contract & Statement of Work Information

The contract and statement of work for this project and the Non-Discloser Agreement are provided below for review and transparency.


Modernization Contract and Statement of Work

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Project Team

Julia Caro

Julia is the Project Manager of the data modernization project. She is responsible for managing the work of the project and is the primary contact between OPI and our vendor, PowerSchool. She arrived in MT in 2005 in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. She’s known for her love of Star Trek and her passion for bringing people and software together to provide technically advanced solutions for Montanans.

Anna Hoerner

Anna is the Data Modernization Coordinator. She helps to ensure that the project runs smoothly, from coordinating meetings to writing reports. She has experience in various administrative positions across industries. She completed an MBA in 2022 and previously worked in healthcare and the executive office of OPI before joining the Data team.

Chris Bushnell

Chris is the Data Modernization Communications Coordinator. She is responsible for developing and ensuring the implementation of the communications and training plans for the project. Chris has a background in secondary education and has worked in training roles for a large software development company.

Project Overview Material


K-12 Data Task Force

The K-12 Data Task Force was created by the 2013 Montana Legislature through the adoption of 20-7-104, MCA and 20-7-105, MCA.  The K-12 Data Task Force is comprised of legislators, school board members, educators, school administrators, school technology staff and parents. 

The purpose of the K-12 Data Task Force is to advise and provide guidance to the Office of Public Instruction on the statewide K-12 data systems.



Decorative Image

Meeting Information

Task Force Membership

Membership in the K-12 Data Task Force is established in 20-7-105, MCA:

(click here to see district classifications):

  • three elected school board trustees consisting of one each from a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district
  • three school administrators consisting of one each employed by a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district
  • three teachers consisting of one each employed by a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district
  • three technology staff consisting of one each employed by a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district
  • six parents, consisting of one parent of an elementary (K-8) pupil currently enrolled in each of a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district and one parent of a high school (9-12) pupil currently enrolled in each of a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district
  • three school district clerks, consisting of one each employed by a class 1, class 2, and class 3 school district



Interested in serving on the task force?

If you are qualified and interested in filling a vacant position on the K-12 Data Task Force, please contact Chris Sinrud, Chief Information Officer.

Archived Information

July 2023

68th Legislative Session Summary

May 7, 2020, Initial Project Overview

9-14-2021 Status

10-25-2021 Status

11-19-2021 Status

November 16, 2022
Minutes | Recording

August 31, 2022
Minutes | Recording

September 24, 2019
Agenda | Minutes

June 25, 2019 
Agenda | Minutes

August 21, 2018
Agenda | Minutes

May 2, 2018
Agenda | Minutes

December 4, 2017
Agenda | Presentation | Minutes

November 16, 2016

"The superintendent of public instruction shall continually work in consultation with the K-12 data task force provided for in 20-7-105 to analyze the best options for a statewide data system that will best enhance the ability of school districts to use data for the purposes identified in this section. Emphasis must be placed on developing or purchasing and customizing a statewide data system that promotes and preserves community ownership and local control and that incorporates innovative technologies available in the marketplace that may be in use and that are successfully working in other states. The office of public instruction and the K-12 data task force shall collaborate to enhance the statewide data system to support:

(a) the needs of school districts in using data to improve instruction and student performance;

(b) the collection of data from schools through a process that provides for automated conversion of data from systems already in use by school districts or the office of public instruction and that resolves the repetition of data entry and redundancy of data requested that has been characteristic of the data system in the past and that otherwise reduces the diversion of district staff time away from instruction and supervision;

(c) increased use of data from the centralized system by various functions within the office of public instruction; and

(d) transparency in reporting to schools, school districts, communities, and the public.


OPI Staff are here to help:

Tristen Loveridge, IT Project Coordinator

Chris Sinrud, Chief Information Officer