Emergencies can occur at the most inopportune times and take many forms. From severe weather to responding to a behavioral health crisis, being prepared with a plan that has been created by your school’s team and local partners, approved by your trustees, and practiced by your school community is vital to increasing student and staff safety. Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) provide guidance and practical solutions on how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations. This planning process helps schools minimize injuries and property damage during an incident, and expedites the recovery process following an incident.
The resources, tools, and professional development opportunities included on the web pages below are designed to help schools prepare for and respond to emergency situations.
Current Montana law regarding emergency planning in schools: MCA 20-1-401
Please find the current Gun Free Schools Act Data for Montana: GFSA 2020 2021
2024 Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist for Schools
In partnership with safety experts from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, Montana Disaster and Emergency Services, and the Montana Safe School Center, the OPI is pleased to make available the Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist to Montana schools.
This checklist is an updated version of the "All Hazards Emergency Checklist" resource that was commonly used by Montana schools as a guidance document for responding to emergency situations. This updated resource includes the latest guidance on school safety protocols and features new emergency checklists that were not previously featured.
Access the Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist