Emergencies can occur at the most inopportune times and take many forms. From severe weather to responding to a behavioral health crisis, being prepared with a plan that has been created by your school’s team and local partners, approved by your trustees, and practiced by your school community is vital to increasing student and staff safety.  Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) provide guidance and practical solutions on how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations. This planning process helps schools minimize injuries and property damage during an incident, and expedites the recovery process following an incident.

The resources, tools, and professional development opportunities included on the web pages below are designed to help schools prepare for and respond to emergency situations.  

Current Montana law regarding emergency planning in schools: MCA 20-1-401

Please find the current Gun Free Schools Act Data for Montana: GFSA 2020 2021

2024 Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist for Schools

In partnership with safety experts from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, Montana Disaster and Emergency Services, and the Montana Safe School Center, the OPI is pleased to make available the Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist to Montana schools. 

This checklist is an updated version of the "All Hazards Emergency Checklist" resource that was commonly used by Montana schools as a guidance document for responding to emergency situations. This updated resource includes the latest guidance on school safety protocols and features new emergency checklists that were not previously featured. 

Access the Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist


Image Be Prepared

Drills & Exercises

Montana Code Annotated 20-1-402: There must be at least eight disaster drills a year in a school. Drills must be held at different hours of the day or evening to avoid distinction between drills and actual disasters.

School bus evacuation drills must be conducted at least twice per school year and must include all students whether they ride to and from school or not. The 2022 Montana School Bus Standards contains additional school bus safety information and guidance on conducting bus evacuations. Guidance for school bus safety has been adopted by the Board of Public Education.


General Information and Resources for Drills and Exercises 

Drills and Exercise Development

Start here: This Drill & Exercise Development worksheet provides schools with a planning template for selecting and conducting disaster drills and safety exercises. This worksheet also helps schools walk through who should be involved in conducting the drill including community public safety agencies and first responders. 

Trauma-informed Drills

It's important that schools prepare for disasters while maintaining feelings of security at school. Some drills may not be appropriate for all students or all school staff. Please review this guidance for more information

Safety and Security Assessment

This checklist provides schools with a list of items that can be checked and/or considered in order to maintain a physically safe school environment and a planning template to address concerns.  

Standard Response Protocols

The Standard Response Protocols: Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist for schools aligns with the I love u guys Standard Response Protocols which simplifies emergency responses to five protocols: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. The Standard Response Protocols K12 Operational Guide is available here and is recommended for use, especially for schools utilizing the OPI's Situational Awareness Emergency Checklist. 

Drills and Exercises for Schools 


After-Action Report Templates

It is important for schools to reflect on the effectiveness of a drill, safety exercise, or actual emergency situation after it occurs. This will help schools identify areas where things went well and areas where changes may need to be made to better prepare and respond in the future. 

  • After a Drill-Action Report Example: This fillable template guides school staff in reflecting after a drill is conducted in order to identify what went well during the drill (areas of strength) and what could be improved (areas of weakness) to further strengthen a school's emergency operations plan. 
  • After an Emergency -Action Report Example: This fillable document can be used to document the events that lead to an emergency and the actions taken during and after an emergency. This form can then be used to guide a school's future emergency operations planning. 

EOP Professional Development

Professional Development and Training Opportunities:

OPI's Teacher Learning Hub

The Teacher Learning Hub is an online learning platform that provides high quality professional learning for Montana educators. All courses are free to access and renewal units can be earned (note: you must set up a free account before you can access the courses. 

  • Bullying Part 1: You will learn how to identify bullying, how to respond to it and how to take a preventative approach to bullying at your school. . 
  • Digital Citizenship: The course provides teachers with an introduction to what is needed to foster their students’ safe, ethical, and responsible uses of technology. 
  • Run, Lock, Fight- School Safety Preparedness: This course provides information on how to prevent and respond to an active shooter incident in school. 
  • Suicide Prevention for Schools: The course provides an overview of suicide prevention through PEACE protocols.  
  • Warning Signs: Child Sexual Abuse: This course provides information on child sexual abuse, the signs to look for, and how to effectively respond to abuse is disclosed or suspected. 


National Center for School Safety

The National Center for School Safety partners with many federal agencies to provide free and low-cost trainings, including lie and recorded webinars by school safety topic, and learning communities

The Department of Homeland Security

Office of Academic Engagement (OAE) Campus Resilience (CR) Program's Exercise Starter Kits are self-conducted tabletop exercises (TTX).  

FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI)

The EMI training facility in Emmitsburg, Maryland provides trainings to school emergency management teams and local partners in all aspects of developing comprehensive Emergency Operations Plans. Contact the Office of Public Instruction for information on how your school's emergency management team can apply to attend a course in Maryland.

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools  (REMS) TA Center

A national technical assistance center for "schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education (IHEs), with their community partners, in the development of high-quality emergency operations plans (EOPs) and comprehensive emergency management planning efforts".

Emergency Operations Plans for Schools

Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) will help schools prevent emergencies for taking place, better prepare for when emergencies do happen, and respond more efficiently during an emergency. After an emergency, schools with an EOP are better positioned to take step to recover.  

Current Montana law regarding emergency planning in schools: MCA 20-1-401

Emergency Operations Planning Learning Hub Course: This course helps guide schools and districts through the six steps of developing and/or updating high-quality, customized Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs).  It is designed to walk planning teams through the process of developing/updating a plan, giving specific and organized steps, examples, and fillable templates.

Six Step Process for Emergency Operations Planning


Site Assessments: As part of Step 2 in an emergency operations planning process, schools are encouraged to conduct a site assessment to examine the safety, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of a school building and campus. 

Guides and Toolkits 

The tools and resources below will provide schools with the basics for developing their own emergency operations plans: 

  • Campus Emergency Response Teams: As part of a larger Emergency Operations Plan, a school may consider the development of an emergency response team. This guide walks schools on how to develop such a team. 
  • Cultural Considerations: When planning for emergencies, is important to consider the cultural beliefs and values of students, school staff, and the community. If your school serves American Indian students understanding tribally-specific beliefs and practices can better prepare school staff to communicate about emergency planning. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides some guidance on American Indian and Alaska Native Disaster Preparedness.
  • Emergency Go Kits: Schools can use this checklist to create Emergency Go Kits for their schools and classrooms in the event of an emergency that requires evacuation of the building. 
  • Emergency Operations Planning (EOP) Assess: This tool is designed to help schools assess their current emergency operations plan (EOP) and identify potential areas of improvement. This tool is best suited for schools that have an EOP are are looking to strengthen their current plan.  
  • Guide for Developing a High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans: This step-by-step guide walks schools through the entire emergency operations planning process. FEMA also provides a sample school EOP.
  • Montana Safety Rubric: In addition to general safety planning, this document can guide school districts working to prioritize their ESSA Title IV-A funds through a self-assessment of their school’s safety structure including physical, culture and climate, psychological and emotional health before, during, and after an emergency.
  • Recovery for Schools and School Districts: This fact sheet provides information about the four components of recovery for schools: academic recovery, physical and structural recovery, business functions recovery, and social, emotional, and behavioral recovery. 
  • School Bus Emergency Operations Plan: This guide walks through the process of creating emergency operations plans specific to school buses. 

EOP Resources

Essential Actions for Improving School Safety

Ten Essential Actions to Improve School Safety: Guidance for Montana Schools

This guidance document was developed in partnership with the Montana School Safety Advisory Committee in 2020. It was adapted from on a report published by the Department of Justice.  

The Montana School Safety Advisory Committee and the Office of Public Instruction will continue to add resources to this page to provide Montana schools with the tools they need to keep schools safe and connected. 

Establish and maintain a positive school climate

Creating a positive school climate is one of the most important steps a school can take to improving school safety. A positive school climate emphasizes connectedness and equality, with every student and staff member feeling like a valued member of the school community. Providing time for students to develop positive relationships with school staff and embracing the cultural beliefs and values of each student can help create a positive school climate. 


Establish a multi-tiered system of support for meeting student behavioral health needs

By establishing a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), schools can address the range of behavioral health needs of students. School-wide Tier 1 supports can positively impact the wellbeing of all students and help prevent behavioral health concerns from developing. When behavioral health concerns do arise, having the necessary partnerships and protocols in place to appropriately respond to the student’s changing level of need across the MTSS framework (Tier 2 and Tier 3) is essential to making school safer.


Actively identify students and staff in need of support

When a student or staff member displays or reports concerning behaviors it is important school have protocols in place to access the potential safety rick and respond quickly and appropriately. Schools are encouraged to form a multidisciplinary team and establish standard procedures, such as a threat assessment or school-wide screening protocols, to identify students and staff who may be experiencing distress and link them to the supports necessary to keep everyone safe. Schools can also post state and national crisis lines in highly visible places to improve school safety. 


Establish and maintain accessible and supportive communication channels

Schools can improve safety by creating bidirectional communication channels between the school and the community. It is important students, families, and staff know who to contact if they observe any perceived threats to school safety, including the potential of a student or staff member to harm him/herself or others. Some schools have established anonymous reporting systems or tip lines, where anyone can report a concern at any time.

Implement policies for monitoring and responding to online and social medial concerns

Students and staff are more than likely spending an increasing amount of time online during and outside of school hours. Schools are encouraged to develop policies to prevent and address cyber bullying and other online behaviors that may pose a risk to school safety. Schools are also encouraged to routinely update those policies as technology and online behaviors change, and to involve students in the process of developing these policies.


Develop a comprehensive school emergency operations plan

A comprehensive school emergency operations plan (EOP) is foundational to improving school safety. EOPs should begin with a risk and resource assessment to identify potential safety threats and existing resources to help address those threats. It is important to establish a multidisciplinary team of people to conduct the assessments and develop a plan for prioritizing potential threats. Creating a county-wide team can help ensure all available skills and resources are utilized.


Coordinate with Local Emergency Planning Committees and Local and Tribal Health Departments

Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) and local and tribal health departments are important partners for preventing and responding to school safety threats, especially natural disasters. Schools are encouraged to include LEPCs local and tribal health departments in their EOPs and utilize the emergency preparedness and recovery services that may be available.


Coordinate with community first responders and local and tribal law enforcement

It is important schools communicate with those who will respond in an emergency situation before an emergency takes place. Schools are encouraged to involve first responders and local and tribal law enforcement in the development of their EOP and disaster drill trainings. Establishing methods for communication before, during, and after an emergency is important for minimizing harm.


Practice campus, building, and classroom security

There is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution for school security and decisions for implementing security measures should be informed by a risk assessment and part of the school EOP. At a minimum, it is recommended schools take steps to make it easy to find and navigate to specific locations within a school campus. One example of this is implementing a classroom numbering system that is easily visible from inside and outside of the school building(s).


  • Site Assessment: A site assessment examines the safety, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of school buildings and grounds.

Conduct school disaster drills

Practicing disaster drills can better prepare students and staff to follow procedures and safely react in emergency situations. Schools are encouraged to use their EOP to inform their plan for carrying out disaster drills. It is also important to consider who participates in what drills; it may not be beneficial to have students participate in all drills.


  • Montana Code Annotated 20-1-402: Requirement for at least eight disaster drills a year
  • Refer to the "Drills & Exercises" section above on this webpage to integrate them into overall school emergency management planning

Responding to Emergencies

Disaster Distress Helpline (SAMHSA)

This Helpline provides counseling and support to anyone experiencing emotional distress related to a natural or human-caused disaster 24-hours a day. 

  • Call 1-800-985-5990
  • Text "TalkWithUs" to 66746

Tools and Guidance for Preparing and Responding to Specific Emergency Situations

Air Quality

Bus Accident

  • OPI Pupil Transportation- OPI guidance on bus driver training and forms for responding to accidents involving school buses 

Cyber Security

Death of a Student or Staff Member


Severe Weather



Active Shooter Resources & Support

Active Shooter Triangle depicting universal strategies including disaster & emergency services coordinator, local emergency planning committee, local law enforcement, Montana Behavioral Initiative, Montana Safety Rubric, Montana School Resource Officer Association, School Climate & Student Wellness, Sign-in/Sign-out Procedures, Staff, Substitutes, Student, Guest Training; targeted which includes drills & exercises, emergency operations plan, reporting procedures, and threat assessment protocols; and Intensive, which represents the active shooter response.The Office of Public Instruction understands schools’ need for reliable and useful resources to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a potential school shooter event. Schools can prepare for a possible school intruder by engaging in a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Preparation well before an event will not only reduce the risk of an intruder targeting your school, it will also reduce the loss of life and property in the event of an incident. The following four principles will help guide you:

  • Develop and maintain a working Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
  • Develop and maintain a working partnership with local law enforcement, including scheduling active shooter trainings with them since they will be the first to respond.
  • Develop and maintain a working partnership with your Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and join their regular meetings to collaborate with the numerous local emergency management organizations
  • Develop and maintain a working relationship with your local Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator




  • Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator:  The DES Coordinator creates the county’s Emergency Operations Plan. Your county’s DES coordinator can provide county emergency management information that may be important while your school develops a school emergency operations plan (EOP).  The DES coordinator can also help you to coordinate and collaborate with other county emergency management organizations.
  • Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs): School representatives may join your local LEPC to coordinate efforts to help in preparing for potential emergencies. Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) must develop an emergency response plan, review the plan at least annually, and provide information about chemicals in the community to citizens. Plans are developed by LEPCs with stakeholder participation. There is one LEPC for each of the more than 3,000 designated local emergency planning districts. The LEPC membership must include (at a minimum):
    • Elected state and local officials
    • Police, fire, civil defense, and public health professionals
    • Environment, transportation, and hospital officials
    • Facility representatives
    • Representatives from community groups and the media

To find your LEPC, please contact your local DES Coordinator.

  • Local Law Enforcement:  In the event of an active shooter, your local law enforcement will be the first to respond. It is vital that you have a working relationship with law enforcement on an ongoing basis. Law enforcement can conduct a walk-through of your buildings to familiarize themselves with the unique characteristics of your buildings and answer questions such as the following: 
    • How will law enforcement enter the school if it is under a lock down? 
    • Who will communicate with law enforcement?
    • What are law enforcement's expectations of your school’s staff and students during an incident?  
  • Montana Safety Rubric: This document will guide school districts working to prioritizing their ESSA Title IV-A funds through a self-assessment of their school’s safety structure including physical, culture and climate, psychological and emotional health before, during, and after an emergency. 
  • Montana School Resource Officers
  • Safe and Supportive Schools and a Positive School Climate
  • Sign-In/Sign-Out Procedures: Things to consider are: What are the school’s sign-in and sign-out procedures? Where do visitors sign-in/sign-out? Who provides them access? Where do they access the building to pick up their children? What are the procedures to determine if the person is allowed in the building? How are children signed-out at the end of the day? Who can pick them up? Does the school offer after-school activities? How are children signed-in and out after the regular school day
  • Staff, Substitutes, Student, Guardian, and Guest Trainings: Trainings and “Need-to-know” information regarding a school intruder should be provided to all the necessary members within the school community. Talk with your local law enforcement for guidance on information that is appropriate to share with each group.



  • Drills & Exercises
  • Emergency Operations Plans
  • Threat Assessment Protocols



Responding to Tragic Events

Resources for Supporting Students, Families, and School Staff After a Tragic Event: It is important that students, families, and school staff feel safe in their schools and communities. Following a tragic event, it may be challenging for a school to maintain and foster feelings of safety. To assist schools during these challenging times, we have compiled these best-practice recommendations and resources schools may consider using.

For additional resources, please see the OPI's School Mental Health website and resources

School-Community Partnerships

Creating School and Community Partnerships

To support students, families, and school staff a school may consider developing a partnership with an organization operating within the community. The video below outlines why and how a school can form a partnerships with a community organization and how to create a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to formalize the partnership. To support school and community partnerships, we have also created:

  • A sample memorandum of understanding (MOU)
  • memorandum of understanding (MOU) google doc template



School Violence Prevention


School Safety Student Voice


Creating a Safe and Connected School Climate for American Indian Students 

Creating a Safe and Connected School Climate for American Indian Students: Guidance for Montana Schools Developed with Montana Students: A positive school climate, where students feel safe and connected, is critically important to academic success as well as emotional wellbeing. The recommendations featured in this guide are informed by the research literature that is available as well as the lived experiences of a group of Montana Urban American Indian students.  

Student School Safety Recommendations

The video below features quotes from a group of students who were engaged in conversations about school safety. A larger student voice initiative followed resulting in the OPI's Student Voice website and resources.   




OPI Staff are here to help: 

Dr. Burke Wallace, School Safety Specialist
Sarah Music, Coordinated School Health Unit Director