Welcome to the Directory of Montana Schools


Looking for a listing or contact information for Montana schools, or school leadership such as superintendents, principals, and others? Select a button below to access that information. 

Print the PDF of the entire School Directory with all this information where indicated, or download excel files by selecting "Advanced Search." 

All information displayed here is the most current available.

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Montana Directory of Schools Help

What kind of information is in the Directory?

The Directory primarily contains demographic information (names, addresses, phones numbers, etc...).  If you are looking for data about Montana Schools, such as assessment, accreditation, enrollment and other types of information, please visit the Growth and Enhancement of Montana Students (GEMS) webpage.


How do I report missing or incorrect information in the Directory?

Clerks/Business Managers enter contact information into the OPI Contacts application for the School System Board Chair, Clerk/Business Manager, Superintendent, and Principals.

If you need access to make changes, please contact the OPI.   

Please follow the "Update Directory" instructions on the Directory home page.  

Report errors and omissions directly to the OPI.


I'm having trouble printing the Directory!

Configurations and systems vary greatly, therefore we cannot provide specific instructions.  Most problems encountered with printing the directory are associated with how your browser handles PDF files.  For most people, using a different browser seems to work.  If that doesn't work, you may also need to update your PDF reader software. If you are still encountering difficulties after trying these steps, you should contact your IT support.

Update Directory

This is used by Montana Districts and Counties to update their directory information. 

Update Directory

