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Montana Ready & Work-Based Learning

Mission Statement

Montana Ready is an initiative driven by Superintendent Elsie Arntzen to promote Community, College, and Career preparedness with K-12 and adult education students. Focused on STEM, CTAE, and CTSOs, Montana Ready partners with the public and private sector, the military, and post-secondary entities to promote career ready students as the quality, high-skilled workforce of tomorrow.

What is Montana Ready? Using Regional Career Coaches to:


  • Work with public and private sector, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to help all students be ready for college, career, community, and life.
  • Educate and connect business and industry to resources with the OPI and Montana schools, teachers, and students. 
  • Collaboratively implement WBL to help teachers, parents, business, and industry guide students for quality world of work experiences.
CTE Students
STEM Students
Adult Education Students
  • Utilize the CTSO's to:
    • Connect business and industry to schools, teachers, and students
    • Build leadership quality in students
    • Teach employability skills (aka "soft skills") to students and give students opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials
  • Oversee and work with licensed, education professionals to ensure WBL experiences can be used for student-earned transcript credits and school-earned accreditation


Related Legislative Bills


OPI Staff are here to help:

Mary Heller, Montana Ready Coordinator, 406-399-0640

Meet the CTE Team

Career & Technical Education Homepage