Welcome to MTSS in Montana


 MTSS is a framework for school improvement that focuses on system level change across the classroom, school, and district to provide all students with the best opportunities to maximize achievement, both academically and behaviorally. MTSS focuses on providing high quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals, and continually checking fidelity of interventions. Data is used to allocate resources to improve student learning and support staff implementation of effective practices. 

MTSS is a systemic approach:

  • Tier l: All students will be part of strong initial instruction.
  • Tier ll: Even with strong initial instruction, some students will need targeted support to be successful.
  • Tier lll: Even with strong initial instruction, and targeted support, a few students will need intensive support to be successful.






Upcoming Events

MTSS in Montana

MTSS Essential Components Practice Profile

OPI Staff are here to help: 

Tammy Lysons, Continuing Education and Technical Assistance Unit Manager, 406-431-2309

Jenny Jarvis, MTSS/GT Program Support Specialist, 406-410-1140

Anne Carpenter, Program Support Specialist, 406-465-0922