P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
1. Visit the GEMS website (Growth & Enhancement of Montana Students)
2. Request Secure Access to the GEMS website
3. Fill out a Data Request if you still haven't found the data you need.
Please allow 3 weeks for your request to be completed
Click Here to Submit a Data Request
207-7-104, MCA - “Transparency And Public Availability Of Public School Performance Data -- Reporting -- Availability For Timely Use To Improve Instruction” restricts the release of students’ personally identifiable information (PII) as follows:
“The superintendent of public instruction may not share, sell, or otherwise release personally identifiable information to any for-profit business, nonprofit organization, public-private partnership, governmental unit, or other entity unless the student's parent has provided written consent specifying the data to be released, the reason for the release, and the recipient to whom the data may be released.”
All publicly available K12 education data is suppressed, or masked, in order to protect student privacy. when data is masked, you will see an asterisk ( * ) instead.
The OPI is prohibited from publishing student-level information or disclosing data from student groups that are 5 or fewer in number or that would otherwise reveal the identity of an individual student. Montana has many small schools and small sub-group populations where an individual student’s identity could be revealed without this safeguard. Please visit the OPI’s Student Privacy & K12 Data Governance Page for more information on this topic
GEMS Helpdesk, opigemshelpdesk@mt.gov, 406-444-5222
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