Title IX is a federal law that requires recipients of federal funding for education, with a few specific exceptions, to be in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Title IX regulations.

This webpage is designed to assist parents, students, school personnel, and others with resources to offer guidance and technical assistance regarding Title IX.

Title IX Rules Update

On August 1, 2024, a Final Rule that amends Title IX rules from the United States Department of Education (ED) will take effect for much of the country, but not Montana and several other states.

A version of the current, pre-amendment rules can be found here for your reference. The order from the US District Court in Louisianna to enjoin the new rules from taking effect can be found here. The order from the US District Court of Appeals to deny a partial stay of the injunction can be found here.


Technical Assistance

Title IX Resources


DOE Office for Civil Rights Documents and Resources

Below are links to the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) resources that should provide guidance for the most common Title IX inquiries.

These links will lead to OCR resources.



OPI Staff are here to help:

Title IX Questions:

Legal Team