P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
Putting Montana Students First
OPI has partnered with DonorsChoose to offer $500 grants for math and reading projects. These funds will help purchase teaching and learning materials, supplies, and technology to support math and reading in your classroom. To apply for a math or reading project grant visit the DonorsChoose Montana Teachers page! Qualifying teachers must:
Updates on the number of projects funded, total funds awarded, and the individual projects can be viewed here.
Teachers in all content areas can take advantage of these grants by creating projects that help their students excel in math and reading.
Click here to see a map of grant awards by county.
Office of the Superintendent
Superintendent Elsie Arntzen is proud to serve our Montana families, students, and teachers. Families are the foundation of learning as our parents are our first teachers. Our students are our most precious resource and the future of this great state. As a teacher of 23 years, the Superintendent knows the importance of quality educators in the classroom and is working to ensure Montana teachers have the flexibility needed to put our Montana students first.
The Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) is charged with the responsibility of providing technical assistance in:
The OPI staff administers a number of federally funded programs and provides a variety of information services, including the information systems necessary to assess student achievement and the quality of Montana’s elementary and secondary school systems.
The purpose of the content standards revision process is to ensure Montana public schools are setting high academic standards for our great state. Find important information, ways to participate in task forces or negotiated rulemaking committees, and find opportunities for public comment.
Standards Revision Information
OPI's Education Navigator
A support document for our Montana policymakers and leaders