Welcome Superintendent Hedalen


The Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) is charged with the responsibility of providing technical assistance in:

  • School Finance
  • School Law
  • Teacher Certification and Licensing
  • School Accreditation
  • Teaching and Learning Standards

The OPI staff administers a number of federally funded programs and provides a variety of information services, including the information systems necessary to assess student achievement and the quality of Montana’s elementary and secondary school systems.


The purpose of the content standards revision process is to ensure Montana public schools are setting high academic standards for our great state. Find important information, ways to participate in task forces or negotiated rulemaking committees, and find opportunities for public comment.

Standards Revision Information



From the Desk of the Superintendent


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Hidden Stories Montana's Black Past

Hidden Stories Montana's Black Past

Hidden Stories Montana's Black Past
Negotiated Rulemaking

Negotiated Rulemaking

Negotiated Rulemaking
The Pledge of Allegiance Explained

The Pledge of Allegiance Explained

The Pledge of Allegiance Explained
Tribal Flags of Montana

Tribal Flags of Montana

Tribal Flags of Montana
Tribal Flags of Montana


OPI's Education Navigator

A support document for our Montana policymakers and leaders