P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
The Montana Comprehensive Assessment System (MontCAS) is the suite of statewide assessments aligned with Montana's academic content standards to meet federal testing requirements.
Montana's Required Statewide Assessments
System Test Coordinators can check here weekly for an up-to-date list of timely tasks. Click the tab for a list of tasks for each state required assessment.
Updated: March 24, 2025 ~ note updates for MAST.
Update Rostering to reflect any student mobility in the district. Leave students who have transferred out of your district, but sill appearing in the Kite Portal as un-rostered.
Update PNPs as needed to reflect changes to student educational plans.
With the upcoming release of ChromeOS Version 133 on the Stable channel in early 2025, a required setting for the secure browser will no longer be enabled by default. Districts/schools MUST utilize one or both of the options shared in the Chrome OS Update Instructions.
If students are missing from the MSAA System, to have the students manually added, call the OPI Assessment Help Desk at 1.844.867.2569, or send the student's information to the OPI Assessment Help Desk via Secure File Transfer System. DO NOT send student information such as name, birthdate, or SSID in a regular email or leave it on a voicemail.
Assessment Help Desk: 844-867-2569
Newly updated!
Click on the NAEP logo to learn more about the only national assessment.
Montana's 2023-2024 State Assessment results were made available in early September. This 2023-2024 Statewide Assessment Overview presentation gives additional details.
2024 State Assessment Data Overview