Welcome to Health Enhancement!




Health enhancement strengthens the capacity of local school districts to plan, design, implement, and evaluate health and physical education, also assisting with the review of accreditation standards at the local district level, and development of teacher preparation standards in Montana's higher education system. 

Health and wellness

Health Enhancement Resources

Communicable Diseases and Schools

Communicable Disease: A Guide for Schools in Montana

Influenza Dashboard - Information from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) with updated information regarding influenza in the state. 

Measles Infographic

Measles (CDC)

Norovirus (CDC)

School Health Program - Montana DPHHS website with information on communicable diseases in schools.

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program - Shape America document

CSPAP: School Activity Guide (CDC)

CSPAP: Framework (CDC)

CSPAP: E-learning Module - CDC module with links to documents and resources.  

Curriculum, Activities & Resources

Everfi - Health and wellness curriculum for K-12 students. Sponsorships in Montana have made these resources free. 

School Health - Montana Department of Public Health page for school health, 

Mind & Body - Activities for the Elementary Classroom

Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit

Health Education Curriculum Analysis tool

Physical  Education Curriculum Analysis Tool

Sexual Education

Sexual Risk Behaviors - CDC website that provides resources and reports on sexual risk behaviors. 

What Works in Schools Sexual Health (CDC) 

HIV/AIDS Frequently Asked Questions

LGBTQIA Health Topics

LGBT Health Considerations

LGBT sexual health - Advocates for Youth curriculum for LGBT students. 

Mental Health 

Mental Health Action Guide (CDC) 

Cyberbullying in School: Prevention and Support

Substance Abuse

Meth Prevention Lesson - Montana Meth Project

High Risk Substance Use - CDC website with information regarding prescription drug misuse,  illicit drug use, and use of infectious drugs. 

Substance Use Evidence-Based Programs - MT DPHHS list with programs and prevention specialists contacts

Operation Prevention - Teacher resources with drug videos, virtual field trips, and drug education, with teaching guides included. 

Health & Physical Education

Physical Activity

School Health Profiles

School Wellness




OPI Staff are here to help: 

Genie Zeeck, Health Enhancement Specialist, 406-444-3178