2025 Calendar of Events


1/1: 2025 Educator Licensure Renewals Open
1/7: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Dose Regulation
1/8: Early Literacy Learning Series - Special Education and Inclusion
1/10: Virtual: FBA to BIP/BSP
1/13: MAST Testing Window 2 Opens
1/13: Virtual: Stress Management and Classroom Climate for Educators
1/13: Transformational Learning and MT Advanced Opportunities new applications and annual reports closes
1/14: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Building Safe and Connected Relationships
1/14: Supporting Immigrant Students Experiencing Homelessness
1/14: Magic of Words: Academic Language and the Importance of Productive Language Opportunities
1/15: Making It All Add Up: Part 1: Developing Children’s Number Sense, Part 2: Math EVERY Day for EVERY Child!
1/15: MonTECH, AT, and the IEP - Virtual
1/16: Montana’s AI Learning Cohort
1/17: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Relationship Barriers for ASD - Virtual
1/17: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Refusal Barriers for ASD - Virtual
1/21: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Supporting Students Through Feelings
1/21: Special Education Learning Community Featuring Shara Blair, AIMS/Infinite Campus
1/21: Magic of Words: Word Selection and Explicit Teaching of Specific Words
1/22: Early Literacy Learning Series - Early Writing
1/23: Practical Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Challenging Behavior in the Classroom
1/24: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 1 - Virtual
1/27: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 1: Assessment - Virtual
1/27: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 2: Intervention - Virtual
1/28: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Money in the Bank
1/28: Magic of Words: Word Learning Strategies to Prompt Independent Word Learning
1/31: Impact Aid Applications for 2026
1/31: 2nd Semester Bus Inspections
1/31: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Using Evidence-Based Practices to Teach Safety Skills - Virtual
1/31: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Brain Differences in ASD: What this Means for Behavior - Virtual


2/1-2: Educator Wellness Workshop in Fort Benton
2/3: Spring Student Count Opens
2/3-4: DECA State Career Development conference, Hilton Garden Inn Missoula
2/3: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Refusal Barriers for ASD - Virtual
2/3: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Girls with ASD - Virtual
2/4: Energize! IEFA - Virtual
2/4: Spring ANB Collection Opens
2/4: Spring Teacher Class Collection Opens
2/4: Magic of Words: Using Morphology to Build and Expand Word Networks
2/5: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring Session: - Virtual
2/7: Accommodations Requests for Grade 11 Students on the ACT with Writing DUE
2/7: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 1 - Virtual
2/7: Mentorship/Introduction Session - Virtual
2/7: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 1 - Virtual
2/10: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 1: Assessment - Virtual
2/10: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 2: Intervention - Virtual
2/14: Spring ANB Collection Closes
2/14: Spring Teacher Class Collection Closes
2/14: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Relationship Barriers for ASD - Virtual
2/14-16: Western Business Education Association Conference Double Tree Billings
2/18: Magic of Words: Fostering Word Consciousness to Deepen Word Learning
2/20: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring Session: - Virtual
2/20: Autism and Classroom Management - Whitefish
2/21: Advanced FBA-BSP - Whitefish
2/21: MAST Testing Window 2 - CLOSES
2/21: ACCESS for ELLs Test Window - CLOSES
2/24: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Brain Differences in ASD: What this Means for Behavior - Virtual
2/25: Magic of Words: Effective Lesson Planning for Vocabulary Instruction
2/25: ESSER amendments submission final date
2/26: February 26: MAST Window 2 Listening Session 3:30-4:30: -Virtual
2/28: Accreditation Submission DUE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


3/1: Yellowstone Writing Project's annual Fire on the Page conference

3/5: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring
3/3-5/23: Montana Science Assessment Window Open

3/9-11: BPA State Leadership Conference Billings Hotel and Convention Center
3/10: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 2 Getting Ahead of the Behavior - Virtual
3/10-4/25: Multi-State Alternate Testing Window Open
3/10-4/25: Alternate Science Testing Window Open
3/14: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Girls with ASD - Virtual
3/24-25: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring Session: - Virtual
3/24-25: Annual IEFA Best Practices Conference at East Helena High School
3/24: MAST Testing Window 3 Opens
3/24: 21st CCLC Spring Site Training (Billings)
3/25: 21st CCLC Data Training (Billings)
3/25-4/4: ACT with Writing Window 1
3/28: 21st CCLC Data Training (Great Falls)
3/29: 21st CCLC Spring Site Training (Great Falls)
3/31: 21st CCLC Spring Site Training (Missoula)


4/1:21st CCLC Data Training (Missoula)

4/2-3:Exceptional Children Conference (Butte)

4/3-4:Montana School Counselor’s Association Conference (Billings)

4/4:ACT with Writing Test Window #1 Closes
4/8: Annual CSPD State Council Meeting Helena
4/8-18: ACT with Writing Test Window #2 Open
4/9: COPS grant School Resource training Great Falls
4/9: Annual Special Education Joint Partnership Meeting Helena
4/10: Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting Helena
4/22-5/2: ACT with Writing Test Window #3 Open
4/23: FCS Drive In Technical Training—1300 Building 12:30-3:30 p.m.
4/24-25: 2025 Montana Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Spring Conference, Downtown Helena, Montana
4/24-25: Higher Education Consortium Spring Meeting Missoula
4/25: Multi State Alternate Assessment Testing Window Closes
4/25: Alternate MT Science Assessment Testing Window Closes
4/27-29: 2025 Traffic Education Conference


No events yet. Coming soon.


6/16-19: OPI Summer Institute (Bozeman)
6/23-25: 21st CCLC Summer Conference (Polson)


No events yet. Coming soon.


No events yet. Coming soon.


No events yet. Coming soon.


No events yet. Coming soon.


No events yet. Coming soon.


No events yet. Coming soon.


OPI Staff are here to help:

McKenna Gregg, Communications Director, 406-444-3559

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