P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
1/1: 2025 Educator Licensure Renewals Open 1/7: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Dose Regulation 1/8: Early Literacy Learning Series - Special Education and Inclusion 1/10: Virtual: FBA to BIP/BSP 1/13: MAST Testing Window 2 Opens 1/13: Virtual: Stress Management and Classroom Climate for Educators 1/13: Transformational Learning and MT Advanced Opportunities new applications and annual reports closes 1/14: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Building Safe and Connected Relationships 1/14: Supporting Immigrant Students Experiencing Homelessness 1/14: Magic of Words: Academic Language and the Importance of Productive Language Opportunities 1/15: Making It All Add Up: Part 1: Developing Children’s Number Sense, Part 2: Math EVERY Day for EVERY Child! 1/15: MonTECH, AT, and the IEP - Virtual 1/16: Montana’s AI Learning Cohort 1/17: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Relationship Barriers for ASD - Virtual 1/17: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Refusal Barriers for ASD - Virtual 1/21: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Supporting Students Through Feelings 1/21: Special Education Learning Community Featuring Shara Blair, AIMS/Infinite Campus 1/21: Magic of Words: Word Selection and Explicit Teaching of Specific Words 1/22: Early Literacy Learning Series - Early Writing 1/23: Practical Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Challenging Behavior in the Classroom 1/24: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 1 - Virtual 1/27: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 1: Assessment - Virtual 1/27: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 2: Intervention - Virtual 1/28: Brain Science Around Trauma & Trauma Informed Practices - Money in the Bank 1/28: Magic of Words: Word Learning Strategies to Prompt Independent Word Learning 1/31: Impact Aid Applications for 2026 1/31: 2nd Semester Bus Inspections 1/31: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Using Evidence-Based Practices to Teach Safety Skills - Virtual 1/31: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Brain Differences in ASD: What this Means for Behavior - Virtual
2/1-2: Educator Wellness Workshop in Fort Benton 2/3: Spring Student Count Opens 2/3-4: DECA State Career Development conference, Hilton Garden Inn Missoula 2/3: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Refusal Barriers for ASD - Virtual 2/3: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Girls with ASD - Virtual 2/4: Energize! IEFA - Virtual 2/4: Spring ANB Collection Opens 2/4: Spring Teacher Class Collection Opens 2/4: Magic of Words: Using Morphology to Build and Expand Word Networks 2/5: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring Session: - Virtual 2/7: Accommodations Requests for Grade 11 Students on the ACT with Writing DUE 2/7: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 1 - Virtual 2/7: Mentorship/Introduction Session - Virtual 2/7: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 1 - Virtual 2/10: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 1: Assessment - Virtual 2/10: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Breaking Down Executive Functioning Skills Part 2: Intervention - Virtual 2/14: Spring ANB Collection Closes 2/14: Spring Teacher Class Collection Closes 2/14: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Relationship Barriers for ASD - Virtual 2/14-16: Western Business Education Association Conference Double Tree Billings 2/18: Magic of Words: Fostering Word Consciousness to Deepen Word Learning 2/20: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring Session: - Virtual 2/20: Autism and Classroom Management - Whitefish 2/21: Advanced FBA-BSP - Whitefish 2/21: MAST Testing Window 2 - CLOSES 2/21: ACCESS for ELLs Test Window - CLOSES 2/24: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Brain Differences in ASD: What this Means for Behavior - Virtual 2/25: Magic of Words: Effective Lesson Planning for Vocabulary Instruction 2/25: ESSER amendments submission final date 2/26: February 26: MAST Window 2 Listening Session 3:30-4:30: -Virtual 2/28: Accreditation Submission DUE
3/1: Yellowstone Writing Project's annual Fire on the Page conference
3/5: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring 3/3-5/23: Montana Science Assessment Window Open
3/9-11: BPA State Leadership Conference Billings Hotel and Convention Center 3/10: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Stop Behavior Before it Starts: Part 2 Getting Ahead of the Behavior - Virtual 3/10-4/25: Multi-State Alternate Testing Window Open 3/10-4/25: Alternate Science Testing Window Open 3/14: Dr. Jennifer Schoffer Closson, Girls with ASD - Virtual 3/24-25: Early Literacy Learning Series Winter and Spring Session: - Virtual 3/24-25: Annual IEFA Best Practices Conference at East Helena High School 3/24: MAST Testing Window 3 Opens 3/24: 21st CCLC Spring Site Training (Billings) 3/25: 21st CCLC Data Training (Billings) 3/25-4/4: ACT with Writing Window 1 3/28: 21st CCLC Data Training (Great Falls) 3/29: 21st CCLC Spring Site Training (Great Falls) 3/31: 21st CCLC Spring Site Training (Missoula)
4/1:21st CCLC Data Training (Missoula)
4/2-3:Exceptional Children Conference (Butte)
4/3-4:Montana School Counselor’s Association Conference (Billings)
4/4:ACT with Writing Test Window #1 Closes 4/8: Annual CSPD State Council Meeting Helena 4/8-18: ACT with Writing Test Window #2 Open 4/9: COPS grant School Resource training Great Falls 4/9: Annual Special Education Joint Partnership Meeting Helena 4/10: Special Education Advisory Panel Meeting Helena 4/22-5/2: ACT with Writing Test Window #3 Open 4/23: FCS Drive In Technical Training—1300 Building 12:30-3:30 p.m. 4/24-25: 2025 Montana Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Spring Conference, Downtown Helena, Montana 4/24-25: Higher Education Consortium Spring Meeting Missoula 4/25: Multi State Alternate Assessment Testing Window Closes 4/25: Alternate MT Science Assessment Testing Window Closes 4/27-29: 2025 Traffic Education Conference
No events yet. Coming soon.
McKenna Gregg, Communications Director, 406-444-3559
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