EANS Grant Funding
EANS I (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools) is part of the CRRSA Act. This relief funding is unique as it is designated to provide services or assistance to eligible non-public schools to address educational disruptions caused by COVID-19. In Montana, Non-Public Schools includes homeschool families and private schools. The application for these funds closed on August 27th. The Cash Request application for allowable reimbursement costs started on September 22nd. The procurement process for the purchase of allowable services and items is being finalized.
The EANS II (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools) is part of the ARP Act. The EANS II Intent to Apply application went live on October 24th. As the eligibility requirements for the ARP EANS funds differs from the CRRSA EANS funds, applicants will be asked to take a short survey to determine their eligibility. These requirements include meeting a 40% poverty level as well as residing in a Montana county that has been severely impacted by COVID-19. The other stipulation of the ARP EANS, funding is applicants can only request procurement of services and items. No reimbursements for previous purchases or expenses can be paid.