New this year, the OPI Assessment Unit introduces the MontCAS Focused Support Video Series. The support videos are short, how-to videos with step-by-step instructions for completing tasks in the various testing portals and applications. Most of the videos are under 10 minutes and provide quick assistance to users. There are a series of videos for each assessment program. Watch for videos to be added throughout the school year as the assessment season moves through the before, during, and after testing phases. 
If you need assistance with a task and are unable to locate it in the video series, reach out to the OPI Assessment Help Desk for assistance. 


  • To view MontCAS Focused Support Videos, select the tab for the assessment program below.
  • For information about the STC Workshop or the STC Hub Course, select the Professional Development tab.
  • To view the most recent issues of the OPI Assessment Bulletin, select the OPI Assessment Bulletin tab.
  • To view recorded webinars from the 2023-2024 school year, select the Retired Webinars tab.

MAST is the general mathematics and reading/language arts assessment for academic state achievement reporting in Grades 3-8. The MAST assessment is aligned to the Montana Content Standards (2011) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (ELA). It is used to provide state, district, school, and individual student achievement information on the state-adopted content standards in math and ELA. 

Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for accessing and navigating the MAST assessment portal(s), and for completing tasks within them.

MAST User Management Focused Support Video (about 8 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

MAST Student Rostering Focused Support Video (about 7 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

MAST Student Rostering Using Upload Method Focused Support Video (about 7 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Entering Student PNPs in the Kite Educator Portal (about 10 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

MAST Scheduler Tool Focused Support Video (about 13 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Monitoring MAST Testlet Completion Focused Support Video (about 8 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Administering MAST Testlets Focused Support Video (about 12 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Accessing and Utilizing MAST Score Reports Focused Support Video (about 16 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

MAST: Kite Parent Portal Focused Support Video (about 14 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

MAST Summit Recordings

The Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) is the ELA and math alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities provided in place of the MAST tests in grades 3-8 and the ACT with Writing test in grade 11. The MSAA uses Core Content Connectors (CCCs) aligned to core academic content in ELA and math Montana Content Standards (2011) and the Learning Progression Frameworks.

The Alternate Montana Science Assessment (AMSA) is the alternate science assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities provided in place of the general Montana Science Assessment in Grades 5 and 8, and the ACT with Writing test in Grade 11. The AMSA is designed to measure the alternate academic achievement standards aligned to Montana's Content Standards (2016) in Science. 

Both assessments are used to provide state, district, school, and individual student achievement information on the state-adopted content standards in ELA and math (MSAA) and in science (AMSA).

AMSA Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for accessing and navigating the Alternate Montana Science Assessment portal, and for completing tasks within it.

Accessing AMSA and MSA Student Score Reports (about 5 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

MSAA Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for accessing and navigating the Multi State Alternate Assessment portal, and for completing tasks within it.


The Montana Science Assessment (MSA) is the general science assessment for academic state achievement reporting in Grades 5 and 8. The MSA is aligned to the Montana Content Standards (2016) in Science. It is used to provide state, district, school, and individual student achievement information on the state-adopted content standards in science.

Montana Science Assessment Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for accessing and navigating the Montana Science Assessment (MSA) portal(s), and for completing tasks within them.

MSA Score Report Access (about 5 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides


The ACCESS for ELLs is the English Language Proficiency assessment for academic achievement reporting for English Learners (ELs) in Grades K-12. The ACCESS for ELLs is used to provide state, district, school, and individual student achievement information on the state-adopted content standards in English Proficiency.

The WIDA Screener is used to assist schools in identifying English Learners. 

ACCESS for ELLs Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for accessing and navigating the WIDA and DRC portal(s), and for completing tasks around the ACCESS for ELLs within them.

WIDA Screener Focused Support Videos


The ACT with Writing is the general mathematics, reading/language arts, and science assessment for academic state achievement reporting in Grade 11. The ACT with Writing is aligned to the Montana Content Standards (2011) in Math and English language arts (ELA) and currently under alignment studies to the Montana Content Standards (2016) in Science. It is used to provide state, district, school, and individual student achievement information on the state-adopted content standards in mathematics, ELA, and science.

ACT with Writing Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for accessing and navigating the ACT with Writing portals, and for completing tasks within them.

ACT with Writing Score Report Access (about 3 minutes)  - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

ACT Select Test Date in Pearson Access Next (about 4 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

NAEP is a congressionally mandated project overseen by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to monitor knowledge, skill, and performance of the nation's children and youth over time. NAEP measures and reports on a regular basis what America's students know and can do in core subjects like reading, mathematics, writing, and science.

NAEP Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide the "how-to's" for completing the NAEP assessment tasks.

Tasks 1 & 2: AMS Registration & Provide School Characteristics Focused Support Video (about 4 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Task 3: Submit Student List Focused Support Video (about 3 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Task 4: Scheduling Assessment Planning Meeting Focused Support Video (about 3 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Task 5: Providing Student Information Focused Support Video (about 8 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Task 6: Assessment Logistics Focused Support Video (about 3 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Task 8: Notify Parents & Guardians Focused Support Video (about 3 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Task 10: Support Assessment Activities Focused Support Video (about 2 minutes) - VIDEO - Presentation Slides

Test security guidelines have been developed by the OPI to be used by STCs and other school and district staff in order to maintain the integrity of all MontCAS assessments. Following these guidelines will ensure no student has access to any form of assistance or material that could provide an unfair advantage. The primary goal of test security is to protect the integrity of the assessment and to ensure that results are accurate and meaningful.

MontCAS Application Focused Support Videos

These focused support videos provide STCs with the "how-to's" for accessing the MontCAS Application, and for completing required test security tasks within the application. 

Stay up-to-date with timely tasks for all statewide assessments through the school year.

The OPI Assessment Bulletin is specifically designed for System Test Coordinators (STCs), subscribers, and any school personnel with a responsibility to administer statewide assessments. It is carefully crafted each month by the OPI Assessment Unit to provide timely access to key test administration responsibilities and actionable content within each of the program checklists. Also included in each issue are references to the state and federal requirements, resources to support professional learning, testing alerts and updates, and frequently asked questions. School districts are encouraged to share the Assessment Bulletin with any school staff who must be aware of these tasks and responsibilities in order to prepare for statewide assessments. The newsletter is distributed via the OPI Compass , and in addition to being posted on this page, also populates under the RSS Feed heading on the OPI's State Testing homepage.

MAST - Aligned Instructional Professional Learning - Zoom Link

4:00-5:00 PM on January 27, March 10, April 7, April 17

The OPI is providing additional professional learning sessions supporting the MAST Assessment and information provided through score reports. The sessions are centered around using evidence based high-impact instructional strategies to support MAST and building a community of practice where educators can rely on each other for the support they need related to MAST and learning in general.

  • Learners will recognize how clear and specific learning goals contribute to deeper student engagement and retention of material. 
  • Learners should feel empowered with practical tools and strategies to foster deeper learning in their classrooms related to MAST. 
  • Learners will take ownership of their educational journey by actively setting and pursuing their own learning goals, leading to increased motivation and self-regulation.

Local Assessment Review: Understanding your local assessment system and MAST's place in it

Developed by the National Center for Assessment in collaboration with the OPI and piloted by Montana school districts, this comprehensive module is designed to guide educators through the review of school, district, and state-level assessments. It introduces the foundational concepts of local assessment systems and outlines a structured, multi-step review process. With a focus on thorough evaluation, the module includes facilitator slides, assessment review templates, inventory spreadsheets, and additional support materials. This resource is essential for those aiming to enhance the effectiveness of their educational assessments. 

Teacher Learning Hub STC Course

NEW! A new System Test Coordinator Hub Course is currently being developed and will be available for the 2024-2025 school year. Watch this page for updates, including registration information!

The primary purpose of the OPI Teacher Learning Hub has been to address the challenges of cost, distance, time, and equity of access to high-quality professional development for Montana educators. Explore professional learning for statewide assessments offered on the Hub via the Course List, Course Catalog, and/or using the "Search Courses" feature. 

Teacher Learning Hub

As of the 2024-2025 school year, the OPI Assessment Focused Webinar Series has been retired. 
The monthly focused webinar recordings from the 2023.2024 school year will remain on the website through the 2024-2025 school year should you wish to view one. They can also be viewed on the Montana OPI Assessment YouTube Channel. After the 2024-2025 school year, the retired videos will be removed from this site. 

MontCAS Webinar Recordings - 2023-2024 School Year

Use the links below to access the recordings and slides from the OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar. 

June 2024 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Wrapping Up and Looking Forward - Presentation Slides

May 2024 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Best Practices for Communication with Score Reports - Presentation Slides

April 2024 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Gearing Up For MAST - Presentation Slides - Links Document

March 2024 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Five Things You Must Know About ACT with Writing This Year - Presentation Slides

February 2024 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Five Things to Know About Smarter Balanced and MT Science Assessment - Presentation Slides

January 2024 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Five Things to Know About Alternate Assessments - Presentation Slides

December 2023 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Accessibility - Presentation Slides

November 2023 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: Ensuring Test Security and Student Privacy - Presentation Slides

October 2023 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: System Access Across Assessments and Set Up - Presentation Slides

September 2023 OPI Assessment Monthly Webinar: English Learner Identification, Assessment, and Exiting Recording - Presentation Slides