The Montana Comprehensive Assessment System (MontCAS) is the suite of statewide assessments aligned with Montana's academic content standards to meet federal testing requirements. 

Montana's Required Statewide Assessments

2024-2025 Student Upload Schedule - this calendar view shows the student upload schedule for all of Montana's statewide assessments. 

STC Checklist

System Test Coordinators can check here weekly for an up-to-date list of timely tasks. Click the tab for a list of tasks for each state required assessment. 

Special August Bulletin: 2024-2025 Statewide Assessment Overview

Updated: December 2, 2024 - note update for ACCESS for ELLs

►Enter requests for qualifying participation exemptions for MAST Window #1 in the MontCAS Application. Deadline: December 6, 2024.

►Ensure you enter any testing incidents that occur in your district in the MontCAS Application

►Write your district testing plans for the 2024-2025 school year. The deadline for this task has passed. If the district does not have testing plans on file, they should be completed as soon as possible.

  • Watch Sessions 5 and 6 from the STC Workshop Series for examples and "how-tos" for writing plans.
  • Base plans on the updated plan checklists found on the Test Security page of the OPI Statewide Testing webpages. 

MAST Window #1 closed Friday, November 22, 2024. Window #2 opens January 13, 2025.

  • Enter all testing incidents that occurred in the district during Window #1 in the MontCAS Application. Instructions for submitting these can be found in the MontCAS Application User Guide. Deadline: December 6, 2024
  • Enter requests for non-participation in the MontCAS Application. This short focused support video walks STCs through steps to enter those. Deadline: December 6, 2024
  • Share Individual Student Reports for MAST Window #1 with parents/families. This can be done through the Kite Parent Portal or other means of the district's choice.  
    • Directions to set up the parent portal can be found in this Kite Parent Portal One-Pager. 
    • A Parent Score Report Template Letter is available on the MAST Portal under the Resources for Parents section. 

► MAST Training Opportunity (Optional): 4:00-5:00 p.m. - January 6, January 27, March 10, April 7, April 28

  • The OPI is providing additional professional learning sessions supporting the MAST Assessment and information provided through score reports. The sessions are centered around using evidence based high-impact instructional strategies to support MAST and building a community of practice where educators can rely on each other for the support they need related to MAST and learning in general. Use the Zoom Link to join. 


CHROME USERS: Update Devices for Spring 2025 testing!

With the upcoming release of ChromeOS Version 133 on the Stable channel in early 2025, a required setting for the secure browser will no longer be enabled by default. Districts/schools MUST utilize one or both of the options shared in the Chrome OS Update Instructions

► Send Individual Score Reports home to parents/guardians. 

  • Attach the ESSA required information about how to read the reports. 
  • A score report letter template for the MSA is available on the Parent Corner page of the OPI website. 
  • This 5 minute video walks users through accessing and downloading Individual Student Reports to send home to parents

Montana Science Assessment Interims are now live in the Montana Testing Portal

CHROME USERS: Update Devices for Spring 2025 testing!

With the upcoming release of ChromeOS Version 133 on the Stable channel in early 2025, a required setting for the secure browser will no longer be enabled by default. Districts/schools MUST utilize one or both of the options shared in the Chrome OS Update Instructions

► Ensure students are appropriately marked in AIM/Infinite Campus. 

  • Students eligible for the Alternate Montana Science Assessment must be marked as alternate in AIM/Infinite Campus to ensure they are uploaded to the Montana Testing Portal appropriately. 

► Send Individual Score Reports home to parents/guardians. 

  • Attach the ESSA required information about how to read the reports. 
  • A score report letter template for the AMSA is available on the Parent Corner page of the OPI website. 
  • This 5 minute video walks users through accessing and downloading Individual Student Reports to send home to parents

► Ensure students are appropriately marked in AIM/Infinite Campus. 

  • Students eligible for the Multi State Alternate Assessment (ELA and mathematics) must be marked as alternate in AIM/Infinite Campus to ensure they are uploaded to the MSAA Portal appropriately. 

► Send Individual Score Reports home to parents/guardians. 

  • Attach the ESSA required information about how to read the reports. 
  • A score report letter template for the MSAA is available on the Parent Corner page of the OPI website. 
  • If your district did not get individual score reports downloaded prior to the September 6 deadline, reach out to the OPI Assessment Team at

Pearson Accessnext (PANext) is now open for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Complete the Test Date Selection task in PANext. This 4 minute video walks users through the steps to complete this task. Deadline: December 6, 2024.
  • STCs should log into the portal and verify user accounts for the district are up-to-date (delete users no longer in the district, add new users). 

► Enter requests for accommodations in the Test Accessibility and Accommodations system. Deadline: February 7, 2025. 

► Send Individual Score Reports (ISRs) home to parents/guardians. 

  • Attach the ESSA required information about how to read the reports. 
  • A score report letter template for the ACT with Writing is available on the Parent Corner page of the OPI website. 
  • This 3 minute video walks users through how to download ISRs from the ACT Success site. 

The ACCESS for ELLs testing window is open through February 21, 2025. 

► Review student list(s) in WIDA AMS to ensure all ELs are in the portal. 

  • If an EL student is missing from the portal, reach out to the OPI Assessment Unit at 844.867.2569 to have the student manually entered. DO NOT SEND STUDENT INFORMATION IN AN EMAIL OR LEAVE IT ON A VOICEMAIL. You must speak directly with an Assessment Unit team member, or send it via secure file transfer.

► Review test materials. 

  • Districts received testing materials the last week of November. If you don't have enough materials or the correct materials for testing, order additional materials using the instructions in ACCESS Online Materials. Deadline: February 14, 2025.

► Send the Parent Notification Letter home to parents/guardians 1-2 weeks before the school plans to test. 

► Ensure all staff assigned to administer the ACCESS for ELLs have completed required training.

  • Test Administrators must complete required training prior to test administration. 
  • Training modules are accessible on the WIDA Secure Portal.  

► Ensure all EL students are marked appropriately in AIM/Infinite Campus.

► Send 2024-2025 Individual Score Reports home to parents/guardians. 

  • Attach the ESSA required information about how to read the reports. 
  • A score report letter template for the ACCESS for ELLs is available on the Parent Corner page of the OPI website. 
  • This 4 minute video walks users through how to download ISRs from the WIDA AMS site. 

► Send Individual Score Reports home to parents/guardians. 

  • Attach the ESSA required information about how to read the reports. 
  • A score report letter template for the Smarter Balanced Assessment is available on the Parent Corner page of the OPI website.
  • This 5 minute video walks users through the steps to access and download Individual Student Reports to send home to parents: VIDEO - Presentation Slides

► LTT School Coordinator: Complete Preassessment Tasks 





We are here to help. Contact us:

Assessment Help Desk:  844-867-2569

Newly updated!

Click on the NAEP logo to learn more about the only national assessment.

  NAEP Icon638591646337862366

Montana State Assessment Results

Montana's 2023-2024 State Assessment results were made available in early September. This 2023-2024 Statewide Assessment Overview presentation gives additional details. 


Negotiated Rulemaking on Student Assessment Rules :

OPI is currently in the Negotiated Rulemaking Phase of the Chapter 56 - Student Assessment Rules. To follow along with the process or give public comment, please refer the the agendas and documents below.


Assessment Standards Revisions


Upcoming Meeting Schedule:

  •  Rulemaking commenced for Chapter 56 NRC on February 12, 2024


Previous Meeting Information:

 February 12, 2024 - NRC Rulemaking Session #1
 February 6, 2024 - NRC Orientation

Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Members:

  • Michael Grizzaffi - K-12 Educator - Columbus
  • Erin Hunt - K-12 Educator - Helena
  • Beverly Chin - Higher Education Faculty, Taxpayer - Missoula
  • Dana Haring - K-12 Educator -  Kalispell 
  • Justine Alberts - Parent, Higher Education - Helena 
  • Heather Marcella - School Business Manager - Clinton 
  • Brian Kessler - K-12 School Administrator - East Helena 
  • Corey Barron - K-12 School Administrator - Harlem 
  • Jordann Lankford - K-12 Educator, Tribe Representative - Great Falls
  • Leslie DiMaio - K-12 Educator - Columbia Falls 
  • Dr. Julie Murgel - Office of Public Instruction - Helena 
  • Marie Judisch - Office of Public Instruction - Ledger