Score Reporting
Districts and schools can access individual test score reports in the Kite Educator Portal under the INTERIM > View Results tab. District, school, class, and individual student reports are all available in the Reporting System within the Kite Educator Portal. Testlet score reports are available weekly during testing windows.
Districts are responsible for providing individual score reports to parents after each administration and summative results no later than fall parent-teacher conferences. Summative results and score reports for the 2024-2025 school year will be available in the fall of 2025 following standard setting.
MAST assessment Reporting Resources
MAST Score Report Parent Letter Template (available soon) - districts can meet ESSA requirements for sharing student score information with parents by providing information with families on how to access the Kite Parent Portal to view individual student reports with this template letter.
Kite Parent Portal - once districts establish a student-parent connection, families can access their child's testlet score reports via this portal.