P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
The Montana Comprehensive Assessment System (MontCAS) is the suite of statewide assessments aligned with Montana's academic content standards to meet federal testing requirements.
Montana's Required Statewide Assessments
2024-2025 Student Upload Schedule - this calendar view shows the student upload schedule for all of Montana's statewide assessments.
System Test Coordinators can check here weekly for an up-to-date list of timely tasks. Click the tab for a list of tasks for each state required assessment.
Special August Bulletin: 2024-2025 Statewide Assessment Overview
Updated: January 13, 2025
Check Enrollment: Keep the district's Student Information System (SIS) up to date. If students transfer out of your district, end-date them in your SIS and leave them unrostered in Kite.
Update Rostering to reflect student mobility in the district.
Update PNPs as needed to reflect changes in student's educational plans.
The MSA Interim Assessments Test Administration Manual will guide users through the steps to administer the optional interim science assessments.
With the upcoming release of ChromeOS Version 133 on the Stable channel in early 2025, a required setting for the secure browser will no longer be enabled by default. Districts/schools MUST utilize one or both of the options shared in the Chrome OS Update Instructions.
Students eligible for the Multi State Alternate Assessment (ELA and mathematics) must be marked as alternate in AIM/Infinite Campus to ensure they are uploaded to the MSAA Portal appropriately.
If an EL student is missing from the portal, ensure the student is marked correctly as an EL in AIM/Infinte Campus and reach out to the OPI Assessment Unit at 844.867.2569 to have the student manually entered. DO NOT SEND STUDENT INFORMATION IN AN EMAIL OR LEAVE IT ON A VOICEMAIL. You must speak directly with an Assessment Unit team member, or send it via secure file transfer.
Districts received testing materials the last week of November. If you don't have enough materials or the correct materials for testing, order additional materials using the instructions in ACCESS Online Materials. Deadline: February 14, 2025.
DRC must begin processing these materials as soon as possible to enable score reports to be delivered in a timely manner. Do not wait until the end of the testing window to return these materials.
Assessment Help Desk: 844-867-2569
Newly updated!
Click on the NAEP logo to learn more about the only national assessment.
Montana's 2023-2024 State Assessment results were made available in early September. This 2023-2024 Statewide Assessment Overview presentation gives additional details.
2024 State Assessment Data Overview