Welcome to the Emergency American Rescue Plan (ARP) and
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
webpage for the Office of Public Instruction

Superintendent Elsie Arntzen is proud to serve our Montana families, students, and teachers through the administration of the ESSER education funding of just over $605 million. Each district was awarded ESSER funding based on Title I student count. Across the state, Districts are using ESSER funding in innovative, valuable ways, enabling schools and their partners to implement highly effective and beneficial programs. The countdown is here with ESSER I (CARES) expiring 2022, ESSER II (CRRSA) expiring 2023, and ESSER III (ARP) expiring 2024 (comparison chart p.4). OPI has established a system of support to ensure grant funding compliance and provide advocacy in use of funds. 

Scr ESSER Accountability Oct23638339395315006809

Monthly District-Level ESSER Spend-Down Status is posted on the ESSER Website here.


COVID Education Funding Status 

(Updated Monthly) 

ESSER EANS Thermometer Dec23


ESSER Team Individual Zoom Sessions Available

Wednesday Zoom 10am-4pm Thursday Zoom 10am-4pm


ESSER II Closeout Overview Recap (video) and (pdf)

MOEquity Level of Maintenance Section 2004 C FY 2022 (Downloaded Excel)

ESSER Self-Assessment Monitoring

FAQ ESSER and GEER Use of Funds DOE December 2022 (pdf)

Access to updating Supt/Clerk contacts instructional page

Fact Sheet Department of Education UEI numbers (pdf)

ESSER Allocation & Spending View by District (pdf)

Davis Bacon Guidance Dept. of Education (video) & (pdf)

ESSER OPI Monthly Compass Combined (2023 pdf) (2024 pdf)

OPI Overall School Leadership Support (Agency Compass Overview)

Montana Broadband Access OPI Site

Speed Survey Helps to ensure your location receives adequate Broadband services.

Affordable Connectivity Program Discount of $30 - $75 monthly

Dept. Of Education FAQs for liquidation extensions and Template (Jan 2024)



ESSER Resources

ESSER State and District Plan

On August 5, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education approved the ARP ESSER State Plan for Montana. This gave OPI an approved roadmap for helping our great Montana schools and communities use this large influx of Federal funding to innovate and improve instruction for our Montana students. The Montana State Plan recognizes local control, removes obstacles and barriers for schools, and enhances accountability.

Montana State and District Plans


District ESSER Stories

ESSER District Consolidated Stories



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Starting in 2011, Ingenium has been working with schools in Great Falls Montana to offer programs for over 3,000 youth. Ingenium teaches students math and literacy skills through the development of computer games connecting STEAM education to real-world careers. With a focus on social-emotional learning and addressing barriers caused by economic and geographic status.

For program details please click here:  Ingenium Full Story

ELO Application History: Afterschool 2022-Summer 2024

Total ESSER ELO Funding: $86,256.00

Program Focus: Math

Resources, FAQ, and Guidances


ESSER Training




Content Area One-Pagers


Allowable Use of Funds

Allocation and Status Updates

Manuals and Tip Sheets

Other Resources & Archived




ESSER Training




Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)


Montana Schools  

COVID-Related Funding Received for Public and Non-Public Schools Graphic: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief ESSER I (CARES), Expires 2022 = $41,295,230; ESSER II (CRRSA), Expires 2023 = $170,099,465; ESSER III (ARP), Expires 2024= $382,019,236; Emergency Assistance for Non-Public Schools (EANS) = $24,679,709; Total Funds = $605,318,735  



COVID Related Funding Received Nationally; ESSER I (CARES) expires 2022 $13.23 Billion; ESSER II (CRRSA) expired 2023 $54.31 Billion; ESSER III (ARP) expires 2024 $121.97 Billion