MT Education Data Collection Team

Infinite Campus is the OPI's state-wide student information system.  This system allows school districts to submit required staff, student, and course information electronically. Infinite Campus provides the OPI, the State of Montana, federal entities, and the education community, with timely and accurate data used for state and federal reporting.  The MT Education Data Collection Team is teaming up with you to meet all of your data reporting requirements!



Data Collection Calendar 

2024-25 Data Collection Calendar


Early Literacy Eligibility

Districts may begin screening for Early Literacy eligibility for the 2025-26 school year in April.  Please consider the following as you enter eligibility records in Infinite Campus:

  1. Create eligibility records for the 25-26 school year.
  2. Student grades are for the 25-26 school year (students may be in grades PK (4 by September 10th of the 25-26 school year) through grade 3).
  3. If the Methodology Tool used to determine eligibility is not in the list, select Other and type the name of the assessment in the Methodology Comments (use the Comments field to enter any other comments related to the student's eligibilty).
  4. Students who are screened and determined eligible should have an eligibilty record entered, even if the student does not participate in one of the Early Literacy programs.  

Summer Jumpstart Programs

If you are running a Summer Jumpstart Program, please consider the following:

  1. Calendars for Summer Jumpstart programs are created in the 25-26 school year.
  2. Student grades are for the 25-26 school year (must be entering Kindergarten through grade 3).
  3. Programs may begin as early as the day after the last day of school and must conclude prior to the first day of school.
  4. The program must be at least 4 weeks with a minimum of 120 instructional hours (does not include unstructured recess and/or lunch).
  5. Students must be enrolled in a course with a properly licensed and endorsed teacher and the course must comply with Accreditation standards.
  6. Daily Attendance is required.
  7. Programs are certified the last week of August for ANB calculations.

Contact the Early Literacy Program Staff for additional questions:  Early Literacy Programs


Data Collection Information

 Scroll down to Data Collection Information below to check out the updated collection guides for the 2024-25 school year!  You will find an updated Comprehensive User Guide, individual collection checklists, 2024-25 Course Codes, and much more.  This information will continue to be updated as we progress through the collection schedule. 




District Contact Information

Do you need to update your district contact information? Email

Please copy and paste this information into your email:

1. District Name: 

2. Contact Name: 

3. Contact Phone:

4. Contact Email: 

3. Contact Type (District Level/School Level): 

4. Subject Area (General Ed/Special Ed/Both):

5. Contact Priority (Primary/Backup): 




Missing Child Photo Repository

We want to remind you to upload student directory photos to the OPI for inclusion in the missing child photo repository. The repository provides law enforcement with immediate, 24/7, year-round access to a child’s school photo should a child be reported missing.

Please review our Student Photo Repository User Guide for detailed instructions on how to complete this process. 

OPI's Missing Child Photo Repository Page


Decorative Image


District Resources

AIM District Contacts

The district's Primary Contact is the liaison between the district and the state. The Primary Contact is the main contact for data collection issues/questions.  Districts are responsible for designating their Primary Contact.  To add or change contact information, please follow the process described below:

Do you need to update your district contact information? Email

Please copy and paste this information into your email:

1. District Name: 

2. Contact Name: 

3. Contact Phone:

4. Contact Email: 

3. Contact Type (District Level/School Level): 

4. Subject Area (General Ed/Special Ed/Both):

5. Contact Priority (Primary/Backup): 


Data Collection Information

Infinite Campus (AIM) User Guides

Code Definition Appendixes

Graduation and Dropout Information

Course Codes

Personnel Reporting

Upload Templates

All imports, except the Student Demographic import, require Student State ID numbers.  The Student Demographics upload should be completed first, followed by the Student Enrollment file upload. Once these two have been completed for every student, all other uploads can be done.  It is best practice to come to this webpage and download these templates as they are needed to ensure you have the most up-to-date version

Required Templates:
Student Demographic Template

Student Enrollment Template


Additional Templates By Collection:
Teacher-Class Templates - Course, Section, Staff, Roster (*NEW)

Terms of Employment Template (*NEW)

Section Placement Template

Fall Enrollment Count Template

Program Participation Template

Section 504 Template

Student Mode of Instruction

Free Reduced Application Management (FRAM) Import Template

English Learners (EL) Template

Spring Enrollment Count Template

Fall Career and Technical Education (CTE) Template

End of Year (EOY) Attendance Totals Template

End of Year (EOY) Career and Technical Education (CTE) Template 

Infinite Campus Update Schedule & References

Please Note: Infinite Campus systems are unavailable during the update.  Updates are typically taken after 5:00 p.m. on Friday and systems restored/available the following Saturday morning. Target dates are subject to change.

Release schedule is subject to change        

Campus Release Date Available - Montana
2451, 2503 ** to be determined **
estimate February/March 2025
2447 December 13, 2024
2439, 2443 November 15, 2024
2435.14 Rx Packs September 13, 2024
2431, 2435 August 30, 2024
2427.15 Rx Packs August 7, 2024
2423, 2427 July 19, 2024
2415, 2419 May 18, 2024
2407, 2411 March 23, 2024
2351, 2403 February 16, 2024
2343, 2347 December 15, 2023
2335, 2339 October 20, 2023
2327, 2331 August 25,2023
2319, 2323 July 7, 2023


Information on Infinite Campus Releases:

Infinite Campus Technical References:

Infinite Campus Community support webpage resources:

Montana File Transfer Service

NOTICE: Please do not email any student personally identifiable information (PII), including names or student ID's, to the OPI or AIM Help Desk. Please call AIM Support directly for assistance with individual student PII or use ePass MT for the secure transfer of larger student data files. 

Montana File Transfer Service

User Guide

AIM Presentations

Data Dictionary

AIM Data Dictionary

Click on the hyperlink below to see a PDF version of the AIM Data Dictionary. This Data Dictionary is intended to assist local education agency (LEA) staff and their student information system vendors in understanding the specific data elements and codes that must be populated for state reporting through AIM. It is intended to improve the accuracy and integrity of collected data by maintaining consistency in data elements. It relies and builds on previous data definitions used throughout the agency that meet state and federal guidelines for collecting and reporting purposes.

AIM Data Dictionary
Updated April 2024

General Information

The purpose of this page is to provide general information about the OPI AIM student information system, along with its purpose and processes. 

Questions can be directed to the OPI AIM Help desk at 877-424-6881 or Submit an AIM Help Desk Ticket.



The AIM system is designed to collect demographic, enrollment, program participation, and assessment data for each student. The program also tracks special education student's IEP data and all students’ movement from school to school and district to district within Montana. It allows for timely reporting and data accuracy through standardized reporting capabilities. This system allows school districts to submit the required student information electronically. The AIM system provides the OPI, the State of Montana, federal entities, and the education community with timely and accurate data about the progress of our students, schools, school districts, and the state.

Please see the AIM Policy References webpage (buttons listed on the main AIM web page) for pertinent State and Federal laws that apply to AIM.



The state of Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) adopted the Infinite Campus software application as its statewide student information system (SIS). The OPI calls the state-level SIS ‘Achievement In Montana’ (AIM). The name of the company that owns the Infinite Campus software is also called Infinite Campus.

The ’State Edition’ of Infinite Campus is used by the OPI staff and contains the state-reported student data from all Montana districts.

The ‘Montana Edition’ of Infinite Campus is provided to the districts at no cost so that the schools who don’t use Infinite Campus as their local SIS can submit their data into our Infinite Campus statewide system for state reporting.  

The ‘Montana Edition – Valued Added’ is typically used by small districts as their main local student information system. Districts use it to maintain their basic set of enrollment, demographic, programs, and special education IEP data.  The ‘value added’ feature of this edition also allows districts to maintain students’ daily attendance and marks data.

The ‘District Edition’ of Infinite Campus is used by some districts as their complete local SIS. 



The data originates at the district level and gets copied to the state level of Infinite Campus by a syncing process. The syncing process happens automatically when data is manually entered and ‘saved’ in Infinite Campus or when the district executes a mass syncing process to get the data copied to the state level.

If the local district data is housed in a different local student information system (other than Infinite Campus), for larger districts it goes through a mass export and then an upload process to get into the Montana Edition of AIM. The smaller districts can choose to hand-enter their data into the Montana Edition.  It then goes through a final nightly syncing process to get copied into the State Edition of AIM. 

Once the data is at the state level it is ready to be reviewed and validated by the OPI staff for reporting purposes.  The OPI utilizes state-level data snapshots processes for some of the federal reporting which affects district funding.  The districts utilize import processes to copy their district’s state-level data into other OPI subsystems that also affect school funding (such as MAEFAIRS and Special Education). There are multiple other systems that pull data from the State level AIM system data such as (Child Nutrition Program) CNP for Free and Reduced lunch funding.

AIM Data Flowchart

Policy References

AIM Data Security Policies

Please refer to the OPI Student Privacy web page for OPI data security policies. 

AIM Relevant State Laws and Rules

Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM):

 ARM 10  Education
 ARM 10.55  Curriculum and Assessment
 ARM 10.56   Statewide Assessment
 ARM 10.63  Early Childhood Education
 ARM 10.15.101        School Funding Definitions (Please note specifically, (3) "Average daily attendance" or ADA) 
 ARM 10.20.102  Calculation of Average Number Belonging (ANB)
 ARM 10.21.204  Specific to the American Indian Achievement Gap Payment
 ARM 10.55.904  Basic Education Program Offerings: High School
 ARM 10.55.906  High School Credit
 ARM 10.55.909  School Records


Montana Code Annotated (MCA):

 MCA Title 20  Education 
 MCA 20-1-212   Destruction of records by school records 
 MCA 20-1-213  Transfer of school records
 MCA 20-1-230  Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children 
 MCA 20-1-301  School Fiscal Year Aggregate Hours
 MCA 20-5-101  Admittance of Child to School
 MCA 20-7-104  Transparency and Public Availability of Public School Performance Data 
 MCA 20-7-117  Kindergarten and Preschool Programs
 MCA 20-9-309  Basic System of Free Quality Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Defined 
 MCA 20-9-311 Calculation of Average Number Belonging (ANB) - 3-Year Averaging
 MCA 20-7-117  Kindergarten and Preschool Programs
 MCA 20-7-1317   Electronic Directory Photograph Repository


U.S. Department of Education


U.S. Department of Education Race & Ethnicity Policy

Q&A Links

The U.S. Department of Education has finalized changes to the collection and reporting of race and ethnicity. Starting with the 2010-2011 school year, the new standards will require all students to be identified using a new two-part race/ethnicity question. The federal government has established the two-part question to recognize Hispanic ethnicity and race as two separate and distinct concepts. Additionally, the change allows the reporting of multiple races, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White). 

District Information 

The OPI has developed the following guidance and resource materials for district use as they transition to the new standards. 

Parent Information



Military Interstate Compact Commission

Additional Resources

AIM / Infinite Campus Feedback Form

External Resources

Internal Resources

Montana Early Warning System (EWS)

The Montana EWS model uses readily available school, student, and other live data to identify students who are at risk of dropping out of school before they drop out. Students are identified early on so that action can be taken by school officials to help keep the student in school. The Montana EWS is a logistic regression model that uses attendance, behavior, grades, mobility, and other data to determine if a student is at risk. The model will identify students in grades 6-12 that are at risk and also provide indicators for why each student is at risk.

Watch Montana's Early Warning System (EWS) Introduction Recording

Since the Montana EWS uses live data it can be run at any time during the school year or summer. What this does is allow educators to see how a student is progressing or regressing over time. Tracking over time also allows educators to track any interventions they are administering with students to determine if the interventions are in fact working.

School reports are also available on the Montana EWS that allow educators to track their school-wide EWS results over time. The school reports also allow schools to compare their results to the statewide average results to get an idea of where their school is at.

EWS User Guide: Montana Early Warning system – Required Data Setup 12/16. This is a link to documentation inside Campus Community* and is for districts using the District Edition of Infinite Campus as their primary student information system. Please refer to the “Required Data Setup” section by clicking on that hyperlink at the top of the page, just under the title.

If you have further EWS questions please contact: Kaitlyn Greenhalgh K20 Data & Research Analyst Office of Public Instruction 406-444-1610.

Non Public District Information

OPI Staff are here to help: 

Shara Blair - Education Data Support & CTE Data Collections, 406-444-0685

Andy Boehm - Graduates and Dropouts/Non-Public Data, 406-444-0375

Jennifer Straw - Education Data Support, 406-444-0714

Nicole Thuotte - Education Data Team Unit Manager, 406-444-2080

Meet the Education Data Collection Team

Submit a Help Desk Ticket, call 1-877-424-6681 or 406-444-3800, or email