Budget & Education Working Group (1)

The OPI established the Budget & Education Working Group to gather information from the community and offer feedback that will serve as a resource for the legislature when considering education funding for the 2025 Biennium Budget and 2025 Legislative Session.  OPI staff will provide a white paper and summary from the working group for the legislature. 


This group will meet virtually 4 times before September to discuss the budget formula, ongoing budget discussion, and budgeting challenges our schools and community face while educating our students. 



Over 170 Montana teachers, parents, taxpayers, school clerks, and superintendents submitted their names to be a part of the working group. Due to overwhelming interest, there will be seven breakout groups based on the areas of interest expressed on the application:

  • Special needs students and programs
  • Teacher pay, retention, & recruitment.
  • Rural, population, & culture
  • Sustainability & tax burden
  • Programs & curriculum
  • Funding formula
  • School budgeting

Join Us:

First Budget & Education Working Group Meeting:

Small Group Meeting Information:

Meeting dates and times for Group A: Special needs students and programs

Meeting dates and times for Group B: Teacher pay, retention, & recruitment

Meeting dates and times for Group C: Rural, population, & culture

Meeting dates and times for Group D: Sustainability & tax burden

Meeting dates and times for Group E: Programs & curriculum

Meeting dates and times for Group F: Funding formula

Meeting dates and times for Group G: School budgeting




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For more information, please contact Katie Bloodgood, Legislative Liaison.


OPI Staff are here to help:

Katie Bloodgood, Legislative Liaison, 406-444-2082