ELA Standards are under revision
The Standards Revision Task Force completed their Orientation workshop and a 3-hour Research Deep Dive workshop to understand and unpack the research provided by the Regional Educational Laboratory Northwest. Over June 10-12, the collaboration and calibration meeting took place, the writing and review task force teams met in July, and finally, over October 7-8, the reconciliation team met to revise the standards. Negotiated Rulemaking is set to begin with an orientation on December 18. To review the research, learn more about the task force, and stay up-to-date with all standards revisions, visit the
Montana Content Standards Revisions 2022-2026 page.
MATELA Call for Articles for Winter UPDATE Issue
The Montana Association of Teachers of English Language Arts (MATELA) is looking for articles on the following topics for their UPDATE newsletter:
Lesson plans
Book reviews
Professional development
ELA teaching Tips
ELA news items
Submissions can be uploaded on
MATELA’s publication page and are due by December 15.
2025 NCTE Annual Convention Call for Proposals
Proposals for the 2025 National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention are now open. The convention is to be held in Denver on November 20-23, 2025. Submissions are due by Wednesday, January 29.
Yellowstone Writing Project
The Yellowstone Writing Project is hosting their annual Fire on the Page conference on March 1, 2025, and their Invitational Summer Institute from June 16-27, 2025. Additional information and registration details will be available in January. Email
yellowstonews@gmail.com for more details.
NCTM-NCTE Joint Conference for Elementary Literacy and Mathematics
This conference will be held from June 16-18, 2025, in Chicago, hosted jointly by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the National Council of Teachers of English. Session proposals are currently being accepted. Visit the NCTM conference page for more information.