P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
SY 2024-2025 Continuing Education Calendar
SUN Bucks
Please email SUNBucks@mt.gov if you have questions
SY2024-2025 School Nutrition Equipment Grant
Our Vision: Local school nutrition professionals are empowered as community leaders to provide equitable access to healthy food and environments that support the success of Montana's children.
Our Mission: OPI's School Nutrition Programs collaborate with the child nutrition community to provide high-quality training, support, and resources to ensure program integrity and access to nourishing meals.
Summer Food Service Program Announcement
School Nutrition Programs Login & Contact Page
Find Your Regional Specialist
School Nutrition Programs 2022-23 School Year Annual Report
School Nutrition Programs Checklist
Administrative Update Packet for Schools
School Nutrition Programs Grants
SPPO Letter Regarding FEPRA and SUN Bucks
Call OPI School Nutrition Programs at 406-444-2501 or search our Meet the Team page.
Meet the Team
Nondiscrimination Statement | Spanish-language NDS