Learn more about the required English Language Arts (ELA) and math alternate statewide assessments given in Grades 3-8, and 11 below.

*The test is not designed to be completed in one sitting as tests           may be paused and resumed as          often as necessary. A break may consist of a few minutes to a few days.

The Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) is the ELA and math alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities provided in place of the statewide MAST Assessment in grades 3-8 and the ACT with Writing test in grade 11. The MSAA uses Core Content Connectors (CCCs) aligned to core academic content in ELA and math Montana Content Standards (2011) and the Learning Progression Frameworks. It is used by the state to provide a consistent picture of student proficiency and progress across Montana's public schools and private schools seeking accreditation. The MSAA test results, reported in the Individual Student Report (ISR), should be used to identify areas for needed improvement as well as areas of strength so that everyone can work together to help the student(s) learn the knowledge and skills of the grade-level academic content with appropriate supports.

Grade(s): 3-8 and 11

Subject(s): Math and English Language Arts

Test Time: 5-6 hours*

Testing Window: March 10,2025 - April 25, 2025 

Student Uploads
  • Initial Upload: February 7, 2025
  • Final Upload: February 28, 2025

General Information

These resources include some general information about the assessment that will be helpful in learning about the state required Multi-State Alternate Assessment. Follow the links below to learn more.

Assessment Profile Button

Consortium Map Button

Testing Time Facts Button

Score Reporting

Individual Student Reports (ISR), school, and district score reports for all students who participated in the MSAA are available for downloading in the MSAA System from July 15 – September 6, 2024. Districts are responsible for downloading the Individual Score Reports (ISRs) and sending any summative score reports home to parents/families alongside an accompanying letter no later than the Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences.

To see how a school is performing over time and compared to other schools in Montana, visit Montana’s Longitudinal Data Warehouse (GEMS). Official state-level results will be released this fall.

MSAA Reporting Resources


MSAA Tables for Site

Quick Access Resources (SY24/25) 

Alternate Assessment Eligibility Guidelines 
Alternate Assessment Eligibility Criteria Worksheet 
Alternate Assessment Decision Flowchart for IEP Teams