There are many benefits that come from developing a positive school climate where both students and school staff feel safe, supported, and cared for. Below are a few of those benefits.
Increase in student academic performance & graduation: Research shows a positive school climate improves a student’s ability to learn.1 Schools with positive school climates observe increases in student math and reading scores and higher graduation rates.1
Increase in student & educator emotional wellbeing: School connectedness and feelings of safety and belonging at school are two of the most influential factors associated with student emotional wellbeing.2 Likewise, positive relationships with other educators and a supportive work environment protects against educator stress and burnout.3
Increase in student ability to overcome challenges: Students who feel supported and cared about in school report fewer behavioral health concerns, such as feelings of hopelessness, especially during times of challenge or adversity.4
Safer schools with fewer discipline referrals: According to the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education, creating a safe and connected school climate is the best way to prevent acts of violence from occurring in school.5 A positive school climate is protective against bullying and other undesirable student behaviors resulting in fewer discipline referrals and better classroom management.6
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