General Grant Information: Extended/Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO)


As Montana students and families work to recover from the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, this grant seeks to support and empower young learners across the state through a coordinated, comprehensive, and consistent community approach. The pandemic has exposed and exacerbated the personal and academic challenges many Montana students face. Helping them overcome those challenges requires not only the efforts of Montana educators within the confines of a school day but also the efforts of student-focused extended and expanded nontraditional education framework. This grant is an opportunity to address students’ personal and academic needs, ensure parents and guardians are able to rejoin the workforce, and ultimately continue to strengthen Montana communities. The grant seeks to provide Montana students and families with a:

  1. comprehensive, out-of-school time experience that builds upon a student’s formal school day instruction to provide additional academic and whole-child wellness support as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. safe and healthy environment to be during extended and expanded learning time frames that employ practices to prevent COVID exposure to students.;
  3. deeper connection to their community allowing them to understand the full breadth of supports and opportunities available to them.

Review the OPI Guidance on the ELO Grant here

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Grant Eligibility & Requirements




Click Here to Download the Blank Scope Document for fiscal year 2024

NOTE: The Extended/Expanded Learning Opportunity Grant is located in fiscal year 2021 in E-Grants.

NOTE: To apply for the grant, organizations must first obtain an LE (Legal Entity) number in E-Grants. (Click here for instructions)

NOTE: To apply for the grant, organizations must first obtain a UEI (Unique Entity Identification) number. UEI numbers are assigned by the federal government, through - you can go to to get started.

Grant Eligibility and Requirements:

  1. Focus on Math and Reading Literacy academics.
  2. Program must include pre/post testing of students specific to the programming effort.
  3. Student participation is at least 40% low-income qualifying.
  4. Organization has at least 3-5 years of past programming experience.
  5. Active partnership in funding, programming, and/or staffing.
  6. Service delivery method (activities, events, modes of instruction) is evidence-based.
  7. Goals and objectives connect to content standards (Math, Reading, SEL).
  8. Demonstrate connection to local district(s) ESSER ARP Plans.
  9. If the organization received ESSER ELO grant for the 2022-2023 cycle, the grant final report must be completed prior to new application submission.


Other Funding Considerations: 

This grant should not replace existing funding sources. These funds are intended to enhance and grow Montana’s capacity for education services. Grantees are also responsible for understanding and adhering to supplement and/or supplant requirements of their existing funding sources.

First priority may be given to grantees who do not already receive federal funding grants such as Current 21st Century, ESSER I, II, III, Perkins, etc.


Targeted Student Population: 

The Extended/Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO) shall provide funding to reach students who lack the type of supports necessary to overcome the personal and academic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Student participation goal is at least 40% low-income qualifying. 


Program/Project Requirements:

Application MUST demonstrate how the intended program/project will meet the requirements below:
DEMONSTRATION means documented evidence in the form of policies, procedures, data, staff listing, MOU, test samples, and/or links provided in the grant application. Demonstration must be supported by documentation provided in the grant application.

  • Age Range Consideration
    • Serve K-12 students. Priority will be given to those organizations providing a focus on middle and high school sudents. 
  • Amount of Programming Available to students (academic and Student Wellness)
    • Ensure more Montana students will have access to frequent, consistent extended/expanded school supports.
    • Provide program/project service directly to students a minimum of 2 hours a day during the duration of the program.
  • Economic Consideration
    • Forty percent (40%) of students in service area are considered low income.
  • Staff with highly qualified instructors and support staff
    • Provide list of qualified staff with credentials (certifications, degrees, experience)
    • Provide staff training prior to program start date targeting grant goals
  • Evidence-based Interventions and Strategies
    • Use evidence-based practices for student wellness and intellectual growth to help students navigate the stresses exacerbated by the pandemic.
    • Use evidence-based strategies for any learning support or enhancement interventions.
    • Use instruction, intervention, and training strategies to provide Math and Reading support services.
    • Provide documentation/links in support of ESSER FAQ December 2022 (Tip: review the document and search for “extended”, “summer enrichment”, and/or “after-school”)
  • Prevention, Preparation, and/or Response
    • Help prepare for, respond to, or prevent COVID’s adverse impacts on students’ holistic wellbeing and academics.
  • Reduce barriers to attendance
    • Demonstrate how participation barriers including but not limited to fees, transportation, and past skill levels have been addressed to increase participation.
  • Staff with highly qualified instructors and support staff
    • Provide list of qualified staff with credentials (certifications, degrees, experience).
    • Provide staff training/professional development targeting grant goals prior to program start date.


Cycle and Awarding:

The state will be utilizing its E-Grants application to manage grant submission and processing. Grant outcome reporting is required. Submission of cash requests for allowable expenditures must be submitted by the 25th of each month. Payments will be processed by the 10th of the following month. Funds must be expended between September 2023 and August 2024.

Grant Reporting Requirements

All awarded grantees are required to provide a Final Expenditure Report and Final Grant Data Report to OPI at the end of each grant cycle before moving to the next grant cycle.

  • Afterschool Grant cycle Final Expenditure Report (FERs) and Final Grant Data Report due no later than June 25th, 2024
  • Summer Grant cycle Final Expenditure Report (FERs) and Final Grant Data Report due no later than September 25th, 2024

The Final Program grant report will include but is not limited to: 

  • Narrative summary comparing expected with actual program/project outcomes
  • Pre/Post Math and/or Literacy test scores specific to programming effort
  • Process survey
  • Student demographics


FAQ and Guidance

To apply for the grant, organizations must first obtain a Legal Entity (LE) number in E-Grants. 


OPI Guidance and Training:


E-Grants Instructional Pages: 


Legislation Guidance:


Compliance Guidance:


Program Guidance:


OPI ESSER Guidance/Training:

OPI Guidance/Training on ESSER Grants can be viewed on the OPI ESSER Webpage HERE 

ARCHIVED Guidance/Training: