2024-25 home-based program licenses will be disabled on July 27th!
Per 20-7-1803, MCA, OPI has obligated 1400 home-based program licenses to school districts for eligible students for the 2024-25 school year. These licenses are through Waterford's Upstart program. Students must be determined eligible at their district to participate in this home-based program.
New! Here is a video recording of a meeting with Waterford representatives. During this meeting, districts were given information to help them understand program data.
Resources for Schools/Districts
Are districts/schools required to offer the home-based program to eligible students?
No, district participation in this program is optional.
Which students can utilize this program?
An eligible child who is 4 years of age or older on or before September 10 of the year in which the child is to participate in the program and who has not yet completed 2nd grade.
How does a student become eligible?
A student may be determined eligible utilizing an approved evaluation methodology tool. Districts will decide on the program's eligibility criteria.
Here is a video with information about the implementation of the Waterford Home-based program.
Can I still get licenses for the eligible students at my school?
Yes! Please get in touch with Kimberly Evans at kimberly.evans@mt.gov to obtain licenses for your eligible students.
How do I notify a student's family about their student's eligibility for the program?
Waterford will create a flyer specific for your school to distribute to eligible students. We recommend having a conversation with the parent when you distribute the flyer to the parent or sending it home in an envelope with specific information about the program. We have an eligibility letter you can customize and send home with the flyer.
Resources for Parents
How do I know if my child's school is offering Early Literacy Targeted Intervention Programming?
Here is a list of schools/districts participating in the home-based program. Please reach out to your local district to check eligibility. This programming is optional for schools.
How do I find out if my student qualifies for the Waterford Home-Based Program?
Children who are 4 by September 10 through second grade will need to be screened to see if they qualify. The school/district determines eligibility criteria.
My student qualified. What are my next steps?
You will receive a flyer with a code specific to your child's school. Please log in and set up your child's account. You will also be asked if your child will need a computer and/or internet access during this registration process.
How much time is my child expected to spend on the program?
Children see the most growth when they use it at least 15 minutes a day, five days a week. With consistent usage, children build a solid reading foundation that sets them up for success in school.
Looking for more information about Waterford?
Watch this video to find out more information about the program.