Early Literacy Targeted Interventions


OPI logoIn 2023, the Montana legislature passed an Early Literacy Targeted Intervention Act (HB 352), designed to improve the number of students reading proficiently by third grade. 20-7-1803, MCA, provides three different types of interventions that districts may offer their eligible students: classroom-based, home-based, and jumpstart programs. 

A child must have parental consent to be screened for participation in any of the established early literacy intervention programs. A child is determined eligible by the evaluation criteria selected by the board of public education.  Per the legislation, the evaluation methodology may be administered in April, May, or June before the qualifying school year.

As more details are solidified, the Office of Public Instruction will continue to create guidance documents and resources for professional learning and best practices.

 Early Literacy Targeted Intervention Programs General Overview

Classroom-Based Program

  • Child is not yet entering or has not completed kindergarten
  • Must be 4 years of age or older on or before September 10
  • Programming may be half or full-time (360 or 720 instructional hours)
  • Must be determined eligible utilizing approved evaluation methodology
  • An eligible child may be included in enrollment counts for the purpose of ANB Calculations.
  • Class size is capped at 10 students per 1 appropriately licensed teacher, with an early childhood paraprofessional for any additional students over ten, for up to no more than 18 total students in a classroom with two adults. See 10.63.107
  • Instruction must align with the Early Learning Developmental Domains and Content Standards

Jumpstart Program

  • Eligible child who is 5 years of age or older, on or before Sept 10, not yet completed 3rd grade
  • Takes place in summer during the end of one school calendar and the start of the next (except 2024, the effective date of the bill is July 1, 2024, so for this summer only, all the hours/weeks of the jumpstart program must begin on or after July 1, 2024)
  • Requires 120 hours of instruction in a minimum of 4 weeks of programming
  • Aligns with Early Learning Developmental Domains and Content Standards and Montana Content Standards for K-12 English Language Arts & Literacy
  • An eligible child participating in a jumpstart program may be counted as quarter-time enrollment for the purpose of ANB calculations

Home-Based Learning

  • For an eligible child who is 4 years of age or older on or before September 10 of the year in which the child is to participate in the program and who has not yet completed 2nd grade
  • Must be research-based and proven effective at developing early literacy skills in populations at risk of not being reading proficient at the end of 3rd grade
  • The OPI will provide access to school districts, on a first-come-first-served basis
  • Fosters parental engagement
  • Waterford has been selected as the provider for the home-based learning program. They were also approved by the Board of Public Education.


OPI Staff are here to help:

Christy Mock-Stutz. Assistant Superintendent
Marie Judisch, Teaching and Learning Senior Manager
Aimee Konzen, Professional Learning Manager
Jackie Ronning, Early Literacy Coordinator
Kimberly Evans, Early Literacy Research Analyst


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