Centralized Services Senior Manager
Work-Related Duties:
- Supervise central accounting, purchasing, budget, financial reporting, and mail.
- Liaison to Legislative Audit
- Oversee SABHRS, IBARS, and E-Grants systems
Deann Willcut is a Montana native and has lived all across the state at different times growing up but loves the center of the state the most. Deann went to MSU and graduated from the University of Great Falls. For just over 20 years, she has been with the state in Helena in budget/finance. Deann currently serves as the Senior Manager for Centralized Services and works with a wonderful group of individuals every day. Prior to coming to work for the state, she spent some time working with school finance audits and as the controller for a private company in Kalispell. Deann has four children and her family is very active. Her free time is mostly outdoors either at kids activities, in the mountains, or at family ranches, but always with her family. After the kids are grown, Deann might start golfing again, but for now, she enjoys the work she does during the day, and the adventures they take us on the rest of the time.