2023-2024 Report Card Update


The state, district, and school report cards will be embargoed March 24-28, 2025.

The report cards will go live on March 31, 2025.



ESSA Report Card Background

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the OPI publishes state, district, and school report cards every year.  The ESSA report cards provide a concise and accessible way to show how Montana's schools are performing.  

Schools, districts and the OPI all follow strict protocols in order to ensure student privacy and confidentiality are protected.  All student information and data published by the OPI follows the OPI’s Student Records Confidentiality Policy, which prohibits the OPI from disclosing data from student groups that are 10 or fewer in number or would otherwise reveal the identity of an individual student.  Montana has many small schools and small sub-group populations where an individual student’s identity could be revealed without this safeguard.  In places where data has been suppressed to protect student privacy, you will see an asterisk ( * ) instead.

Please visit the Student Privacy & K-12 Data Governance page to learn more about how schools, districts and the OPI protect student privacy and ensure the integrity of data.



2023-2024 ESSA Report Card Information:

There are new Accountability Designations reflected on the 2023-2024 Report Card.   Under the Field Test Waiver from the US Department of Education, OPI was permitted, for one year, to exclude from its system of annual meaningful differentiation any school that participated in the Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year assessment ( MAST) field test in the 2023-24 school year.

The following elements are available on Montana's 2023-2024 report cards:

  • School Demographics (address & phone, grades served and enrollment)
  • Accountability Designations from the 2023-2024 school year or 2022-2023 designations for schools that participated in MAST
  • Statewide student assessment performance for schools except the schools that participated in MAST
  • English Learning progress
  • Student Achievement Progress Scores for schools except the schools that participated in MAST
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Scores which is on the State Report Card Only.
  • Post-secondary enrollment at institutions within the Montana University System
  • School Attendance
  • Educator Qualifications
  • Comprehensive School Improvement Fund - State Report Card Only
  • Per-Pupil Expenditures, please visit the ESSA and Per-Pupil Expenditures Page for detailed information.

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GEMS Help Desk, 406-444-5222


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