2025 Celebrate CTE Month

Career and Technical Education Month® is a public awareness campaign, hosted by ACTE and sponsored by National Association of Home Builders, that takes place each February to celebrate CTE, the accomplishments of CTE programs and the importance of CTE for all students of all ages. We encourage you to use these resources below to help us generate positive awareness of CTE!

CTE Month Resources

The ACTE Quality CTE Program of Study Framework® (2018 version) and companion self-evaluation instrument is an evidence-based framework defining high-quality CTE. With more than 90 criteria organized under 12 elements, the Framework captures the full range of activities across a CTE program of study.



Montana Career and Technical Education

Guidance Documents 

Below you can find information related to CTE Funding, Montana Career Pathways, Carl Perkins Grant and Data, State CTE Data, Work Based Learning and related topics. If you would like all of this information in one document you can reference that here. The below documents are broken into three different categories; CTE Funding Guidance, CTE Montana Career Pathways, Montana Work Based Learning.








2024-25 CTE Technical Assistance

Wednesday 7:30am - 4:00pm 

February 12th, 19th, 26th


At Least one of our CTE Staff will be available on Zoom. For assistance related to Montana Career Pathways, Course Codes, Carl Perkins, Reserve Grant, Fall Data Collection, End of Year Data Collection, and more. 

Join us on ZOOM

Carl D. Perkins Resources

Montana Career & Technical Education Programs

CTE Updates & Professional Learning

Financial Literacy

The Office of Public Instruction has developed this webpage to support local school districts concerning financial literacy instruction for K-12 schools.



Data Collections

Career Pathways

Standards & Guidelines


High School District Liaisons for CTE 

If you have any questions or need assistance, our team of specialists is available to support you.


Work Based Learning Collaborative: Teacher Externship

On behalf of the Work-Based Learning Collaborative we are happy to announce that Teacher Externships is opening registration.  We are seeking educators to participate in this year’s cohort as well as industry partners who would like to host them. 

Educator Externships are a unique professional development opportunity where teachers are immersed in a company to learn about the skills and competencies needed to succeed in that industry or career path. The experience strengthens an educator’s teaching abilities and brings relevant, real-world context into the classroom. Externships are often transformative for educators, students, and industry partners. Impacting just one teacher allows a company to reach between 20-150 students each year.

Learn more here!

Pre-registration does not guarantee you an externship since there are limited spots available. You must pre-register and complete registration to be considered for the externship. Upon completion of the externship, you will be eligible to receive a stipend paid by the Montana Work-Based Learning Collaborative and up to 30 renewal units.

Stipends are available pending secured funding.

Deadline to register February 28, 2025

Registration Link https://forms.gle/HDtbJxApEApsfszbA


2024 Work Based Learning Manual

Work-Based Learning is an important part of education:

It can provide the relevancy of information learned as well as assist with the knowledge and skills necessary in selecting a career. 

Many businesses, agencies, and institutions offer work-based learning experiences, be they from the hosting site, being part of planning teams within state agencies, preparing the workforce through post-secondary institutions or offering foundational education and training through high school career and technical education programs.

The outcome is the same—provide work related experiences which will promote the selection of a career that fits their aptitudes and interests, along with meeting the workforce needs of Montana.

This manual was developed to indicate how to combine efforts, focusing on the student experience at the secondary level. Note, after the forward section, there are two sections:

  • Section I--Focuses on a general understanding of work-based learning.
  • Section II-- Focuses on additional information when work-based learning is part of an approved CTE program.

A Work-Based Learning Google Folder accompanies this manual for sample forms and documents. The file is fluid and ever changing as  best practices and resources are shared for inclusion. With that in mind, continually revisit to assist with your work-based learning efforts.

Work Based Learning Course Codes 2024


Meet the Team

Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares Montana K-12 students for a wide range of careers and post secondary education programs.  CTE courses are found in Montana's middle schools, high schools and career centers. 

CTE courses provide students with life and employment skills to make them highly desirable employees in today's modern workforce.  Skills learned in K-12 Career and Technical Education courses prepare students to go directly into the workforce or to continue their education with a much higher degree of focus and direction for their career goals.

Montana has approved CTE programs and certified teachers in Agriculture, Business, Marketing, Family and Consumer Sciences, Industrial Technology, and Health Science.  Many Montana high schools participate in the federal Carl D.  Perkins and state Career and Technical Education grant programs to support and improve their Career and Technical Education programs.


Career and Technical Student Organization State Directors

Lisa Parker, BPA State Director (406) 579-3697

John Stiles, DECA State Director (406) 209-4490

Tracey Eatherton, FCCLA State Director (406) 229-2017

Jim Rose, FFA State Director (406) 994-7050

Katie Meier, HOSA State Director (406) 868-9445

Roberta Tilleman, SkillsUSA State Director (406) 868-3489

Jesse Gray, TSA State Directors (406) 676-3390 ext. 7553