Online Free & Reduced-Price Meal Application

                           and SUN Bucks Application

District Instructions

Opt into the online free and reduced-price application in the DCA. Once you opt in, copy a URL to publicize to your families. You can process applications that are submitted. The eligibility math is done for you in the system.

There is a determining Official User Manual on the DCA login page to give you information about how the system operates and how to setup your district. Call Bitsey Draur, IT Project Manager, with questions at 406-461-5423.

Family Instructions

If your district has opted in to using the on-line free and reduced-priced meal application, also used for SUN Bucks eligibility, you can click on the button, select your district from the dropdown list, fill out, and submit the application. Your district may also provide you with a link; you can use that instead of this if you prefer. Click to view the  User Guide.

ADA Compliance






Meal Eligibility Updates 


Public Release

The OPI has completed the SNP Public Release on behalf of schools for SY2024-2025

2024-25 MT SNP Participating Site List

Forms & Policy

Meal Counting & Claiming

Direct Certification

Community Eligibility Provision





For questions, contact OPI School Nutrition Programs at 406-444-2501.

School Nutrition Programs Home