
 Paul Taylor

School Finance Manager

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Data requests
  2. General Fund questions
  3. Legislation

Mr. Taylor has worked with the School Finance division of the OPI since 2006. His focus has been on analysis work with a focus on aiding stakeholders in school funding and finance related matters.


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Amanda Zigan

Auditor/Computer Support Specialist

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Fiscal Audits
  2. Access to School Finance applications
  3. Indirect Cost Rate application
  4. Website and General questions

Ms. Zigan fills the role of School Finance Auditor and Computer Support Specialist for School Finance. She is a graduate of the Helena College University of Montana, Associate of Applied Science Accounting and Business Technology and has extensive customer service experience. She is eager to be a part of providing support to Montana school districts.


Donell Rosenthal

 Donell Rosenthal

State Pupil Transportation Director

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Planning, budgeting and distribution of state transportation reimbursement.
  2. Providing transportation assistance to school officials.
  3. Pupil transportation state and federal laws, regulations and policies.

Ms. Rosenthal has been employed with the Office of Public Instruction since February 2005, and has been the Transportation Director since 2011. She has an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration and is committed to serving Montana schools and representing the interests within the Pupil Transportation Industry throughout the state.

Andrea Mohammadi

 Andrea Mohammadi

Business Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. MAEFAIRS data verification
  2. Enrollment/ANB
  3. Tuition

Ms. Mohammadi is a graduate of Old Dominion University in Virginia with a Bachelor of Science in MIS and Administrative Management. Andrea worked as a District Clerk/Business Manager in Montana for 6 years before coming to OPI.

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Lead Budget Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Data requests
  2. General Fund questions
  3. Legislation


Autumn Belmont

 Autumn Warren

Budget Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Process school K-12 state aid payments
  2. County
  3. Budget, Bonds and Debt Service

Ms. Warren is a graduate of Boise State University where she received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and a Master of Science in Accountancy, Taxation. Autumn previously worked at the Department of Revenue for 3.5 years and has been working as a Budget Analyst for OPI since October 2022.

Laci Novark

 Laci Novark

Budget Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. TFS/Budget
  2. Compensation Expenditures
  3. School structure changes, grade changes, and isolation

Ms. Novark joined the School Finance team in October of 2022. Laci has 10 years of experience working in the banking industry as well as 5 years of experience in Healthcare Finance. Laci was most recently a District Clerk for 6.5 years, where she learned the rewards of a career supporting children and their education. She looks forward to providing support to District Clerks around the state.

  Enly Kovis

Research Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. In-State Facilities Program
  2. Business Process Management
  3. Data and Information Governance

Ms. Kovis Joined the School Finance Team in September of 2023 as a Research Analyst. Enly graduated from the Evergreen State College with a Bachelor's Degree in Political Ecology in 2016. She moved to Montana in 2019 and previously worked at the Montana Department of Revenue. Enly manages the In-State Facility Education Reimbursement Program and assists across the OPI in project implementation, procedural development, and process management. She is a member of the OPI Data Governance Committee and holds membership with the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA).


Alivia Skeslien-Jenkins HEADSHOT

 Alivia Skeslien-Jenkins

Budget Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. TFS/Budget
  2. Compensation Expenditures
  3. Taxable Value

Ms. Skeslien-Jenkins joined the School Finance team in July of 2023 as a Budget Analyst. Alivia graduated from North Dakota State University with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. After five years in Fargo, ND, Alivia decided it was time to return to her Montana roots. She is thrilled to be back in the mountains and looks forward to doing her part in serving Montana Public Schools.

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Corina Opie

Budget Analyst

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Process K-12 School Payment
  2. TFS / Budget
  3. General School Finance

Ms. Opie is a Montana native and Carroll College alum. She brings over 15 years of state government experience, specializing in contracts and compliance. In her role as Budget Analyst in School Finance with the Office of Public Instruction, she is excited to serve students and employees in our school districts.