2025 Presentations

Clausen, R. (2025, February). Grass is Greener: An analysis of Leavers (Educators) from the Montana Education System (Compensation & Turnover). Presentation to the SLDS Best Practices Conference. Arlington.

Clausen, R. (2025, January). Emerging SLDS Research: Montana Early Warning System. (Canceled due to inclement weather).


2024 Presentations

Clausen, R. (2024, November). Emerging SLDS Research. Presentation to the Montana High School Forum. Great Falls, MT.

Allen, E., Matt, J., McCaw, B., Tang, L., Lee, D., & Clausen, R. (2024, November). Panel discussion: The Four - Day School Week in Montana: A Comprehensive Study. Panel discussion after 4-day school week presentation. Montana Board of Public Education. Bozeman, MT.

Clausen, R. (2024, March). Differentiating Rural Poverty: Poverty Measures and Student Outcomes. Canceled presentation to the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development.


2023 Presentations

Clausen, R & Stoddard, C. (2023, October). Evaluation of a Predictive Model: Montana's Early Warning System. Presentation to the Montana Federation of Public Employees Conference. Billings, MT.

Clausen, R. (2023, October). Montana's Early Warning System. Presentation to the MACIE Board. Helena, MT.

Clausen, R. (2023, August). The Use Case of Montana: School Level Poverty Measures. STATS DC Conference, Institute of Education Sciences: Bethesda, MD.

Stoddard, C. & Clausen, R. (2023, August). Montana’s Early Warning System: Processes and Outcomes. STATS DC Conference, Institute of Education Sciences: Bethesda, MD.

Clausen, R & Stoddard, C. (2023, June). Predicting Dropout and Graduation with Reliability: Montana Early Warning System. OPI Summer Institute: Bozeman, MT.

Clausen, R. (2023, May). Analysis of Alternative Poverty Measures Applied to the Case of Montana. Data Foundation: Washington DC.

Clausen, R (2023, April). Montana’s Early Warning System for Dropouts. AERA Conference: Chicago IL.

Carter, B. & Clausen, R. (2023, February). Emerging Montana Research: EWS & SLPM. SLDS Best Practices Institute: Washington DC.


2022 Presentations

Stoddard, C. & Clausen, R. (2022, Aug). Evaluating Montana’s Early Warning System. NCES STATS-DC Conference: Washington, DC.

Sharkey, N.; Clausen, R., Stoddard, C., Uretsky, M., Henneberger, A. (2022, June). Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems and Predictive Analytics: Understanding, Measuring, and Predicting K12 Outcomes. Data Foundation: Washington DC.


OPI Staff are here to help:

Robin Clausen, SLDS Program Manager, 406-444-3793


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