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Access the 2021 Montana Content Standards for Computer Science (Official PDF)

Access the 2021 Montana Content Standards for Computer Science (Excel)

Access the 2021 Montana Content Standards for Computer Science (PDF)

       Computer Science Montana Curriculum Guide 2021

This Guide is designed to provide resources and guidance to schools, districts, curriculum consortia and others at multiple access points and stages of curriculum development. It allows educators to find pertinent information for a wide range of topics that inform the curriculum development process--from the legal foundations in Montana law and rules to classroom level instructional strategies and assessment. Use the topic outline to access information across the curriculum development spectrum. This is a guide. It is not exhaustive in its depth or in the number of resources, but it is specifically designed for Montana educators to look with intention and clear guidance at improving the process of curriculum development in Montana schools.

Webinar: New Standards for 2021: Overview and Planning for Implementation (February 8, 2021)

Professional development, and resources will be added throughout 2021

Tech Directors:  To access a machine readable version of the official Montana Content Standards for Computer Science, please visit the IMS Global CASE Network site. Create a free login, select Montana Office of Public Instruction, and view or download the standards. The CASE version of the standards can be uploaded into student information systems, curriculum mapping programs and a variety of other uses. Learn more about the CASE Network | CASE Network FAQ

Montana Resources

School challenges



Computer Science Professional Development for Montana Educators: 

Elementary Educators (K-5): 

Middle and High School Educators

Workshops above may be taken to earn the 80 hours of professional development required to apply for a Class 4, Computer Coding license

Scholarships are available for Montana teacher participation.

Additional Professional Learning Across the Country and Online:

Check the OPI Professional Learning Opportunities Portal for a list of all workshops and conferences and subscribe to the Business and Marketing weekly newsletter to stay updated on a variety of professional development opportunities. 

An individual may teach Computer Science courses at the secondary level via:

*Please refer to the OPI Course Codes for a list of courses that can be taught by the various endorsements above. Computer Science related courses are listed under the 010-Computer and Information Sciences and 011-Communications and Audio/Visual Technology sections. (p. 16-18, Elementary and Middle School;  p. 43-48, High School)

**Learn more about the process of earning your Class 4 Computer Coding endorsement in this Class 4 Computer Coding Guidance Document. Possible Professional Development opportunities leading to your 80 hours required can be found on the Professional Learning Opportunities tab


Standards Revision Information

New Standards Adopted November 5, 2020.  Effective date is July 1, 2021. 

Adoption Timeline and Meetings

The Board of Public Education (BPE) approved the Computer Science Standards at their November 5, 2020 meeting. Please check the BPE website for further details.  The implementation date for the new standards is July 1, 2021.


(Board of Public Education) Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - K-12 Computer Science Content Standards.

Standards Revision

Revision Information

2017 - 2027 COMPLETE REVISION SCHEDULE - This schedule may change based on resource availability or other factors.

  • To learn about the process and how to get involved, take the Montana Content Standards 101 course on the Teacher Learning Hub (1 renewal unit)

Standards Drafts

Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Meetings

Economic Impact Surveys