
Director of Indian Education for All

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Oversight of IEFA Unit Educational Resource Development and Dissemination
  2. Provides PD to School Staff and Educational Stakeholders
  3. Leads IEFA K-12 and RESA Grant Administration



Joan Franke

 Joan Franke

Administrative Assistant

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Conference work
  2. Publications Requests Fulfillment
  3. MACIE meetings

Joan Franke has worked in OPI‘s Indian Education office as an administrative assistant for over 20 years. Her rich experiences include supporting the development of curriculum and materials, coordinating professional development events, and distribution of materials. She actively participates in Irish cultural activities and celebrations and is an avid reader.

Jennifer Stadum

 Jennifer Stadum

Indian Education Specialist

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Indian Education for All Implementation Resource Development and Professional Development Provider
  2. Indian Education for All Best Practices Annual Conference Coordinator
  3. Co-leads and Coordinates IEFA K-12 and RESA Grant Administration

Office Hours via Zoom Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 - 9:00

(Note: If you are unable to visit during our scheduled Zoom hours please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Our availability is contingent upon travel and work schedule)

Jennifer Stadum is an Indian Education Specialist at the Montana Office of Public Instruction. Over the past ten years Jennifer has worked with every tribe in Montana on culturally relevant materials and tribally specific resources for implementation across all disciplines in K-12 public education. She is currently working on virtual professional development for PK-20 Teachers across Montana that is supportive of authentic and meaningful IEFA implementation. Prior to joining the OPI, Jennifer published her Master of Science in Science Education thesis on her landscape level research on long-billed curlews and sandhill cranes at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. Being able to combine her love of science with Indian Education makes her job very exciting. Outside of work Jennifer loves Montana’s seasons, gardening, and hiking.

Julie Jeffers Headshot

 Julie Jeffers

Indian Education Specialist

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Indian Education for All implementation resource development and professional development provider.
  2. Resource development and dissemination.
  3. Ongoing work to institutionalize IEFA through accreditation, content standards, and policies.

Julie Jeffers is a descendent of the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe of Montana. She is a recent graduate of Salish Kootenai College with a bachelor's degree in Tribal Historic Preservation. Julie is currently working at the Montana Office of Public Instruction as an Indian Education Specialist. Julie has decades of knowledge working with children and schools as a preschool teacher, special education aid, and in IEFA. Her most recent work was as an Indian Education Home to School Coordinator for School District 2 (Billings) before moving to the Flathead Reservation to finish her degree. Julie is excited to bring her talents and experience to OPI. Outside of work, she loves the outdoors and spending time with her family and dogs.

Mike Jetty

 Mike Jetty

Indian Education Specialist

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Updates IEFA lesson plans and collaborates with teachers and other educational entities to facilitate the development of culturally relevant resources.
  2. Provides on-site and in-person IEFA presentations and professional development as requested.
  3. Ongoing work to institutionalize IEFA through accreditation, content standards, and policies.

Office Hours via Zoom - Monday and Wednesday 8:00 - 9:30

(Note: If you are unable to visit during our scheduled Zoom hours please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Our availability is contingent upon travel and work schedule)

Mike Jetty is an enrolled member of the Spirit Lake Dakota Nation and a Turtle Mountain Chippewa descendant. Mike is currently working at the Montana Office of Public Instruction as an Indian Education Specialist.

Mike has been working with Indian Education issues for the past 32 years and has teaching experience at both the K-12 and University levels. He has a B.S. in History Education, a Master’s in School Administration, and an Education Specialist Degree. Please contact Mike if you are looking for ideas and resources to support your Indian Education for All instructional efforts. In addition to his work with K-12 education, he is an active member of the American Indian and Minority Achievement Council for the Montana University System.