State FFA Commodity Tour
The National FFA Organization plays a large role in the lives of students across the State of Montana. This program first started in 1928 and has since spread across all 50 states and 5 territories. Chartered in 1930, the Montana Association has a membership of over 5000 students, in 99 chapters spread across the state. The FFA Motto is “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve” and members practice this every day. Students have boundless opportunities to learn about potential careers, serve their communities, and develop skills that will last a lifetime.
One unique opportunity that took place recently was the Agriculture Commodity Tour. Students travelled by van over 1750 miles, visiting Idaho, Oregon and Washington, stopping at various locations along the way. The State Officer Team as well as the Agronomy team from Stevensville hit the road on August 7th, led by State Advisor Mr. Jim Rose, State Foundation employee Katherine Taylor and Stevensville FFA Advisor Mrs. Josette Hackett.
The first stop on the trip was at the Port of Lewiston in Lewiston, Idaho where the group took a very interesting tour of their facilities. Members found it interesting to see the transport of grain on such a large scale. As agriculturalists, students felt it was important to understand what happens to our Montana grain after it is harvested. The tour of the Port gave us a unique perspective and new respect for what goes on behind the scenes...
Pictured L-R
Matthew Slivka - Winifred, Colton Young - Absarokee, Sydney Kirschten - Baker, Dani Horan - Moore, Kayla Haigh - Stevensville, Joe Lackman - Forsyth, Isaac Amezcua - Stevensville, Orion Masar - Stevensville, Riley Prather - Big Timber, Brad Garoutte - Stevensville, Allison Denton - Lewistown, Cody Johannes - Huntley Project, Dr. Janice Cooper - Director of Wheat Marketing Center, Dr. Jayne Bock - Technical Director of Wheat Marketing Center.