Welcome to the Title I, Part A–Foster Care Program established on December 10, 2016, under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). The purpose of this program is to ensure that children and youth in foster care have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to their peers living with biological parents or legal guardians.

Educating Montana’s children in foster care is a collaborative effort between the Office of Public Instruction (OPI), the Child and Family Services Division of the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, the Youth Services Division of the Montana Department of Corrections, Tribal Social Services, and local school districts. Working together, these agencies, group homes, and thousands of Montana families provide foster care children with the support they need to succeed in school and in our communities.



Federal & State Laws

Guidance & Regulatory Information

General Foster Care Information

Scholarships and Financial Aid


 OPI Staff are here to help:

Marisa Britton-Bostwick, Foster Care Point of Contact , 406-444-0794 

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