Marie Judisch

Teaching & Learning Senior Manager

Work-Related Duties:

  1. Provides Leadership and General Oversight of the Teaching and Learning Department, including Career Technical and Adult Education, Assessment, MT Literacy Grant, Teacher Learning HUB, and K-12 Content Standards.
  2. Supports the Chief Program Officer, Dr. Julie Murgel, in development and implementation of programs and initiatives that fall under the T & L Department.
  3. Collaborates with stakeholders when it comes to early literacy, content standard revisions,professional learning, literacy grant implementation, assessment, professional development needs, and CTAE content and supports.

Marie Judisch is a born and raised Montanan, Marie graduated from Montana State University with Bachelor’s Degrees in Elementary Education and Media Theater Arts in 2011. Marie began her career in education as an elementary math interventionist, gaining experience from the ground up of school systems to support student learning. She has taught a variety of components of all grades K-8, understanding of the great honor and responsibility it is to support all learners. After completing her Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership at Montana State University as the Outstanding Graduate for her cohort, Marie served as an elementary school principal in North Central Montana. Throughout her seven years as the PK-3 leader, she carried with her the title of K-12 Curriculum Coordinator, K-12 Data and Testing Coordinator, Gifted and Talented Coordinator, as well as serving as the administrator for the 21st Century Community Learning Century grant, all while continuing to teach classes as much as possible. Marie is passionate about supporting Montana educators and students, firmly believing that those living in this great state deserve the very best educational opportunities possible.