School Nutrition Program Specialist
Work-Related Duties:
- Administrative and Procurement Reviews
- Professional Development
- Technical Assistance
Sydney Dickinson RDN, MS, LN is a Registered Dietitian joining OPI as a School Nutrition Program Specialist. She holds a Master of Science in Dietetics Systems Leadership from Montana State University. Sydney has previously worked for organizations like Alternative Energy Resource Organization (AERO) and Abundant Montana, where she supported, advocated, and uplifted local food economies in Central Montana. She also had the opportunity to complete a Community Food Systems Assessment in Helena, Montana during her time there. These experiences, which exposed her to many different sectors of the food system, will help her to continue supporting the enhancement of school meal programs to meet the needs of Montana’s students. Her continued work a Clinical Dietitian offers a unique perspective into nutrition education and health promotion. In her free time, she enjoys crocheting, trail running, reading, and exploring the mountains with her dog Bovi, and her partner.