E-Grants is a web-enabled system for K-12 education and supports the grant application process from allocation of funds and application for funding through payment accountability, reporting to the grantor and grant closeout for both state and federal grants. E-Grants is accessible to all Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and other subgrantees via the Internet without need for installing any special software or hardware. 


If you need help with Login IDs or passwords,
contact E-Grants Security.

Contact us via email or call us between
8:00am and 5:00pm MT at 406-444-3680



Grant Management

Montana State and Federal Grants Handbook


  • 21st Century Continuing Application
  • ARP Homeless Children and Youth
  • ARP II Homeless Children and Youth
  • Carl Perkins – Secondary
  • Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)
  • ESEA/ESSA Consolidated Application (Formally ESEA/NCLB Consolidated)
    • Title I, Part A - Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged (Basic)
    • Title I, Part A - Schoolwide
    • Title II, Part A – Supporting Effective Instruction
    • Title III – English Language Acquisition
    • Title IV – Student Support and Academic Enrichment
    • Title VI, Part B, Subpart 2– Rural Low Income
  • ESSER Consolidated
  • ESSER Fund Grant
  • ESSER III Consolidated
  • ESSER Related Services Grant
  • Gifted and Talented State
  • IDEA Consolidated
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA, Part B)
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Preschool (IDEA Preschool)
  • IDEA Consolidated ARP
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA, Part B)
    • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Preschool (IDEA Preschool)
  • IDEA, Part B – Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD)
  • IDEA, Part D – Multi Tier System of Support (MTSS)
  • Indian Education for All
  • Indian Language Immersion Program
  • MT Comprehensive Literacy Program State Development Project (MCLSDP)
  • MT Comprehensive Literacy Program (MCLP)
  • Preschool Development Grant
  • Project AWARE
  • Targeted Support and Improvement
  • Title I, School Support
  • Title I, Part C – Migrant Consolidated
  • Title I, Part D - Neglected and Delinquent
  • Title I, Part D - Correctional Delinquent – State Level Activities 
  • Title II, Part A – Improving Teacher Quality, State Level Activities
  • Title III - Emergency Immigrant
  • Title III - English Language Acquisition, Immigrant Grant
  • Title IX – McKinney-Vento Continuing


  • HB 351
  • HB 387
  • IDEA, Part B - Discretionary
  • School Equipment Grant
  • School Nutrition Grant
  • School Nutrition Program
  • Services for Significant Needs Students:
    • In-State Treatment Centers
  • State Career Technical Education (CTE)
    • Advancing Agricultural Education
    • HB86 (CTSO) Strengthening Montana Career & Technical Organizations
    • State Vo-Ed payment
  • Title I – New Day
  • Title I – School Improvement
  • Title I, Part C – Migrant Consortium (Incentive)

E-Grants Users

E-Grants Log In

User Guides & E-Grants Resources

E-Grants Staff Directory

If you need help with Login IDs or passwords, contact E-Grants Security.


Contact us via email or call us between 8:00am and 4:30pm MT at 406-444-3680


  • Adult Education (WIOA-AEFLA)

  • Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE)

  • Continuing Indian Education for All and RESA

  • MT Comprehensive Literacy State Development Program (MCLSDP)

  • MT Indian Language Preservation Program (MILP)

  • MTSS District Cohort

  • Project AWARE: Mental Health Grant

  • Title I School Support and School Improvement

  • Title I, Part D: Neglected and Delinquent

  • Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction

  • Title III, Part A: English Language Acquisition
  • Title III, Emergency Immigrant
  • Title IV, Part A: School Support & Academic Enrichment

  • Title IV, Part B: 21st Century Community Learning Centers

  • Title V, Part B: Rural and Low Income Schools

  • ESSA Title IX Part A: McKinney-Vento Homeless


OPI Website: http://www.opi.mt.gov
E-Grants Website: E-Grants


E-Grants Coordinator: Karla Beagles, 406-444-0764
E-Grants Security Specialist: Kristy Schaan, 406-444-3680
E-Grants Computer Systems Analyst: Mindi Askelson, 406-444-0768

E-Grants Computer Systems Analyst: Dan McNurlin, 406-444-3448

Centralized Services Division
1227 11th Ave., Helena, MT 59601, PO Box 202501 Helena, MT 59620-2501

Division Administrator: Deann Willcut, 406-444-2563



Account Management & Passwords

Public Access
The Montana OPI allows non-account holders to view all approved E-Grants applications, program reports, intents to apply and their related payment information via our Public Access portal. To gain access, go to the E-Grants Logon page and click the Public Access hyperlink in the LOGON section of the page.

If you do not remember your password, go to the E-Grants Logon page, enter your email address in the Username/Email text box then click "Forgot Password." You will receive an email with a temporary password. When prompted to change your password, paste the temporary password in the "Old Password" box then type in a new password.

The E-Grants system will require you to change your password if you have not done so within the previous 180 days. Follow the system prompts to change your password.

New Accounts/Changes to Existing Accounts
*New Superintendents/Authorized Representatives*
Please note: You must be designated as the LEA Authorized Representative in the OPI Contacts system before a new user request in E-Grants will process. Click here to access the OPI Contacts system. Only district clerks have access to the OPI Contacts system. If you are the AR for a non-school district (university, special education co-op, tribe, etc.) you must send an email with the new information to OPI Central Contacts.
New User
To request a new E-Grants account, go to the E-Grants Logon page then click the New User hyperlink. Follow the on-screen prompts to request your account. Requests for non-authorized representative roles will be forwarded to the LEA Authorized Representative (AR) for approval. The AR may accept or deny the user request. If accepted, the request will be submitted to the OPI for processing. Requests for new ARs are forwarded directly to the OPI. New accounts are usually processed in less than a week in non-busy times. In the busy months (June – September), the processing time can be up to two weeks.

Existing User Changing LEAs, Reinstating a Previous Account, or Requesting New/Different Roles with Your Current LEA
To request association with a new LEA, activate an inactive account, or add/remove roles from your existing account, log onto E-Grants. Select Manage User Accounts from the Menu List. Click on your name. Follow the prompts on the New User screen. Your request will be forwarded to the Authorized Representative (AR) of the new LEA for approval. Once approved, the request will be forwarded to the OPI for processing. Requests are usually processed in less than a week in non-busy times. In the busy months (June – September), the processing time can be up to two weeks.

Note: If you have been removed from an LEA prior to requesting an account with the new LEA, you may encounter an error. If this happens please contact egrants@mt.govor call 406-444-0764.

Security Roles
There are four E-Grants roles available for LEA users, listed below. LEAs include districts, special education co-ops, and other educational organizations.

Data Entry
Allows the user to complete all applications, intents to apply, and program reports and submit them to the LEA's Authorized Representative. Allows completion of the Planning Tool. Includes access to OPI Reports/LEA Reports.

Financial Data Entry
Allows the user to complete cash requests and expenditure reports and submit them to the Business Manager. Includes access to OPI Reports/LEA Reports.

Business Manager/Data Entry
Allows the user to complete cash requests and expenditure reports and submit them to the OPI. The user can also complete data entry in the applications, intents to apply, and program reports. Allows completion of the Planning Tool. Includes access to OPI Reports/LEA Reports.

Authorized Rep/LEA Level Security Admin
(only available to the official authorized representative for the LEA)
Allows the user to:

  • Review and complete data entry for all applications, intents to apply, program reports, and the planning tool; 
  • Review and agree to all Certifications and Assurances;
  • Formally submit the applications, intents to apply, and program reports to the OPI;
  • Approve security access requests from district/organization users and submit the requests to the OPI;
  • Remove inactive users;
  • Access OPI Reports/LEA Reports; and 
  • Complete all of the tasks of the Business Manager




OPI Staff are here to help:


If you need help with Login IDs or passwords,
contact E-Grants Security.

Contact us via email or call us between
8:00am and 5:00pm MT at 406-444-3680