Federal Grants Coordinator
Work-Related Duties:
- Federal Title Programs Monitoring Coordinator
- Monitors LEAs for Federal Title Programs to ensure LEAs are in compliance with federal law.
- Title I Specialist
- Review ESEA/ESSA consolidated grant applications and provide Title I, Part A technical assistance to LEAs.
Kimberly Rebich is the Federal Grants Coordinator for the Montana Office of Public Instruction. In her current role Kimberly works with the Federal Programs Unit for the state of Montana, monitoring and providing technical assistance to LEAs with Federal Title Programs. The Federal Programs Unit distributes and monitors Title I, Parts A, C, and D; Title II, Part A; Title III Part A; Title V (RLIS); and Title IX McKinney-Vento Homeless Education.
Prior to working at the OPI, Kimberly spent eighteen years teaching in various elementary classrooms in several of Montana’s Title I schools. During some of her eighteen-year tenure, she also taught and coordinated a K-8 school district Title I program.
Kimberly has a Master of Education in Educational Leadership, as well as a Master of Science in Teaching and Learning. Kimberly loves spending time with her six children, and giving all thanks to her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.