What does Additional Targeted Support and Improvement mean for a school?


Montana's system of differentiation under ESSA includes four federally required indicators plus Montana's fifth indicator to identify schools as either Comprehensive, Targeted, or Universal.  This system focuses on providing supports where they are most needed. 

Montana ESSA Accountability

1-4 Federally Required Indicators

  • Academic Achievement on Statewide Assessments: ELA/Reading & Math
  • Academic Growth on Statewide Assessments ELA/Reading & Math (K-8 Only)
  • English Learner Progress
  • Graduation Rates (HS only)

5th Indicator for Montana Flexibility

  • Attendance
  • College & Career Ready (HS Only)
  • Science Assessment (Grades 5 & 8)

The OPI identifies a school for Targeted Support and Improvement each year if:

  • The school has any student group performing in the lowest 5% of all Montana schools. 


How are Additional Targeted Support and Improvement schools being supported?


Schools identified for targeted support are working in partnership with the district to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of instructional components (i.e., leadership, professional development, and curriculum and standards). The OPI supports districts and schools in taking and analyzing the comprehensive needs assessment and drafting a Continuous School Improvement Plan, focused on academic goals and underperforming student groups for the 2020-2021 school year.

Specific strategies for providing targeted support include:

  • Providing systemic literacy and math improvements through regional trainings;
  • Providing on-line courses focused on the identified student groups through the Montana Learning Hub;
  • Providing ongoing support with the Continuous School Improvement Plan, which includes clear measurable goals focused on student groups; and
  • Providing ongoing support through OPI-sponsored conferences and website resources.

Which schools are identified as Additional Targeted Support and Improvement?


Lindsay Mahoney, Director of School Improvement Unit, Department of School Innovation & Improvement



2021-22 Competitive Grantees

Resources - Title I School Support Flow Charts