The Montana GED® and HiSET® are each a battery of tests that measure a student's academic skills as compared to a high school graduate.  If passed, a Montana High School Equivalency Diploma is issued which is accepted by institutions of higher education and employers as equivalent to a regular high school diploma.

WIOA Adult Education Programs are free of charge and can assist individuals in preparing for the GED and HiSET exams. WIOA Adult Education (AE) also helps individuals to be successful in college and careers. Contact your regional WIOA AE service provider to learn more. 

Request a High School Equivalency Transcript (HiSET or GED)

We have partnered with DiplomaSender to manage High School Equivalency (HSE) credentials and transcripts. DiplomaSender is the sole entity entrusted to provide an official high school equivalency attainment record for Montana HSE earners. Please visit or contact them directly at 855-313-5799 for further assistance.


HiSET and GED Education Verifications

We have partnered with DiplomaSender to manage High School Equivalency education verifications. DiplomaSender is the sole entity entrusted to provide an official high school equivalency attainment record for Montana HSE earners. Please visit or contact them directly at 855-313-5799 for further assistance.



Test Taker Information

Examiner Information

HiSET Options Program for High School Students

HiSET Options: Is designed for high school students interested in staying enrolled in school as a pathway to earn a high school diploma but testing with the HiSET exam.

Whats the Difference? HiSET Exam vs HiSET Options

Visit the HiSET Options Program Page to learn more



OPI Staff are here to help:

Meet the Team

HSE Helpline
Wanda Arlint


For general HiSET or GED questions, including inquiries regarding 16-Year-Old and 17-18-Year-Old Waiver Applications, contact the High School Equivalency (HSE) Helpline. 

HSE staff respond to messages Tuesday through Thursday.

Emily Fuller
HSE Program Coordinator

Katie Madsen
HSE State Administrator