P.O. Box 202501 • Helena, MT 59620-2501
Title II Program Summary
Activities supported with Title II, Part A funds must be planned through consultation with teachers, school leaders, paraprofessionals, special service providers, parents, and community partners. The district must also engage in continued consultation with these stakeholders to improve supported activities. Descriptions of funded activities are outlined within the Consolidated Application for Federal Title Funds and must align to the goals of the Title II program, including:
Funds made available under this title shall be used to supplement, and not supplant, non-Federal funds that would otherwise be used for activities authorized under this title. Each district accepting Title II, Part A funds must also:
Title II, Part A is a U.S. Department of Education (USDE) grant program that provides supplemental funding to help support effective instruction. The USDE awards Title II, Part A funds to state educational agencies which then sub-grant funds to local school districts through a formula allocation.
Title II, Part A is a formula allocation. The amount of Title II, Part A funds allocated to districts is calculated using the same US census data that is used to calculate Title I, Part A. Eighty percent of the district's Title II, Part A allocation is based on poverty and the remaining twenty percent is based on total population.
There is a provision of equitable services to non-public schools also defined in federal law and non-regulatory guidance.
The ESEA requires states and districts to complete a needs assessment in several areas across the major programs included in the law and one of those areas is Title II - ESEA Section 2222(d)(2)(A)
Title II, Part A requires each district to assess local needs for professional development and hiring quality staff.
The following groups are included in the needs assessment:
A few Examples of Simple Needs Assessments provided by Montana LEAs:
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) §8101(42) defines the term professional development as activities that:
Take a look at our Guide for Selecting Materials Aligned to Montana's Content Standards (word version) and the Criteria for Selecting Materials (word version) guides.
Marisa Britton-Bostwick, Title II Specialist, 406-444-0794
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