Once you have assessed your program, identify the areas that you and your staff wish to focus on in the foundational components. While you may need to do additional work in several areas, prioritize the standards and sub-standards. The resources provided below are designed to support your thinking on how this might work in your district to implement your program. Each district has unique needs, so designing a program that fits your needs and context is the best path for success. 

The resources in the structural standards focus on 

  • the role of the mentor
  • necessary skills for mentoring 
  • opportunities to assess and;  
  • specific professional learning for new teachers 

Overview of Structural Resources 


Mentor Roles

Creating a Teacher Mentoring Program

The National Foundation for the Improvement in Education offers key components of a mentoring program and describes the skills and responsibilities of a mentor.

Mentor Practice Standards

A set of standards by New Teacher Center specifically designed for all aspects of the role of a mentor.

Module 2 - Mentoring and Induction Toolkit

This module provides comprehensives resources for mentor recruitment, selection, and assignment

Oregon Department of Education: Oregon Mentoring Program

The Oregon Department of Education has compiled all aspects of a mentoring program, including the role of a mentor, selection, and data and reporting.

Roles and Responsibilities for an Effective Mentor

A list of roles for an effective mentor. 

Qualities of an Effective Mentor

A handout that lists the qualities of an effective mentor.

Mentor and Induction Program Survey

An assessment of components for mentor selections.

Mentoring Beginning Teachers 

A publication by the Alberta Teachers Association is a ready-to-use handbook for all aspects of a mentor program. 

Teacher Induction and Mentoring Brief 

This brief focuses how induction using mentoring can help new teachers learn the teaching craft, become better instructors, and serve their students more effectively with specific expectations of mentor skills and dispositions

Rubric for Developing District/Building Profile

A tool for conducting a self-analysis of the effectiveness of district/building professional development. 

Mentor Professional Learning

Mentoring & Induction Toolkit 2.0: Module 3

These resources were developed by the GTL Center to support mentor professional learning, development, and assessment. This module focuses on research-based strategies and best practices to ensure that mentors are receiving the support they need to grow as teacher-leaders.

A School District’s Guide to Initiating and Developing Induction-with-Mentoring Services for New Teachers

The New Hampshire DOE put together a guide for a mentoring/induction program that includes a section on tools to assess and use with new teachers. 

Basic Toolbox for Mentors and Coaches

A self-paced online professional development with access to a variety of tools to use as a mentor.

Oregon Department of Education: Oregon Mentoring Program

The Oregon Department of Education has compiled all aspects of a mentoring program including mentor professional development that is ready to use.

Ohio Department of Education: Mentor Toolkit

The Ohio Department of Education has compiled tools and resources for mentors to use with new teachers.

Mississippi Mentoring and Induction

The Mississippi Department of Education has compiled a set of resources for mentors.

Mentor Module 1: Refinement of Coaching Practices

An online course that focuses on skills for coaching/mentoring.

Mentor Module 2: Development for New Mentors

Using Research to Mentor Trainee Teachers

An overview on how research can play a role in designing mentor professional learning

Mentor Modules 

Free online multimedia workshops and resources that provides mentor professional learning


Mentor Formative Assessment Training

Mentor Professional Learning, Development, and Assessment Design Workbook

Designed by Great Teachers and Leaders that give a variety of tools to assess mentor practice.

Oregon Department of Education: Mentoring Resources

The Oregon Department of Education has created a comprehensive set of mentoring resources including tools for mentors to use when setting goals and assessing practice.

Ohio Department of Education: Mentor Toolkit

The Ohio Department of Education has compiled tools and resources for mentors to use with new teachers.

Mentoring Beginning Teachers

A publication by the Alberta Teachers Association is a ready-to-use handbook about all aspects of a mentor program.

New Teacher Center Mentor Standards

A set of standards by New Teacher Center specifically designed for all aspects of the role of a mentor.

Mentoring New Teachers, A Fresh Look

An overview of approaches to support new teachers.

TNTP Resources

A comprehensive set of tools that can be used for observation and feedback.

Instructional Coaching Group: Coaching Tools and Book Resources

A variety of Jim Knight's coaching tools and resources

Feedback on Teaching: A Fresh Start

Three strategies for schools to establish and sustain practices that support better feedback and improved outcomes for teachers and students.

Mentoring & Induction Toolkit 2.0: Module 7

Resources for data collection and monitoring for continuous improvement.



New Teacher Professional Learning

A School District’s Guide to Initiating and Developing Induction-with-Mentoring Services for New Teachers

The New Hampshire Department of Education has put together a guide for a mentoring/induction program which includes a section on tools to assess and use with new teachers.

Mississippi Mentoring and Induction

The Mississippi Department of Education has compiled a set of resources for new teachers

Instruction for All Students Year Two Teachers

An outline for a year 2 mentoring program

New Teacher Survival Guide

The Teaching Channel provides a variety of professional learning and structures that are designed for new teachers. An account is required to access the resources

Secrets of Mentoring Novice Teachers

On overview from the Lastinger Center of key components of new teacher mentoring


TeachersConnect is a free online community for teachers including new teachers


Online communities of practice for teachers

Designing Support for Beginning Teachers

A WestEd knowledge brief that provides an overview of components of new teacher professional learning needs.

Edutopia Teacher Development

Edutopia provides a variety of topics that are relevant for new teachers

TNTP Resources

TNTP has a variety of tools that can be used to support mentors and teachers focusing on district initiatives

High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) Checklist

A research based tool to evaluate professional learning